I was reading this click-bait article (5 blog mistakes you're making!) and was about to click out since the advice was the same stuff we've all heard (bad fonts! crazy colors!) when I saw the sentence above practically screaming from the comment section.
Hate? You hate sponsored posts?
I'm not cancelling dinner plans or anything to stay home and read them, but hate? That word never came to mind. But what did come to mind?
This post.
Did all bloggers feel this way and I was completely clueless? I had to find out.
I spent from June 2015 until February 2016 very, VERY informally finding out the thoughts on sponsored posts from other bloggers. Most of this was through observations, conversations, and emails. I talked to bloggers and am very generally putting them into two categories: those who earn money from blogging and those who don't (most of them wanted to).
And now I want to share in this 4-part weekly series what I found. I will share 1 statement from someone who dislikes sponsored posts and then my thoughts (as someone who earns a blog income from sponsored posts). I want to get a positive conversation going that will benefit all types of bloggers.
Disclaimer: In no way shape or form is this formal research, nor is what will be expressed here is how ALL bloggers feel. That's where YOU guys in! Let me know your thoughts!
Note: To thank the bloggers for their honesty, I am not revealing names. As I told them previously, they are welcome to reveal themselves in the comments. Thanks again for everyone who spoke to me and for being completely honest.
Statement 1:
"I hate sponsored posts! They're annoying!
If a post is sponsored, I won't read it. I won't click on it."
Let me ask you this, what if someone thought you were great at something you LOVE to do. And they wanted to pay you for it, like those amazing recipes you whip up, your creative crafts, or the funny stories about your kids.
Would you turn them down? Maybe.
But think of what you could do with that money: gas for the week, the kids' lunches (that whole Pinterest-lunch creative idea plan stopped at week 2 of school, so back to the cafeteria!), your cell phone bill, helping out others, etc. Whatever it is, this money would pay for it.
Would you turn it down then? Maybe.
There is nothing wrong with refusing income or freebies on your blog.
There's nothing wrong if you never earn one dime on your blog, despite wanting to.
And there's nothing wrong if you do.
When I asked bloggers "what do you think bloggers spend money they earn from sponsored posts on?" I got two very different answers. From majority of those who want to earn money but currently aren't:
- shoes, clothes, trips, luxury items
And from those who earn an income:
- pays bills, takes care of family, goes back into the blog
Interesting, isn't it? Is it because many bloggers (not all) have other employment in addition to blogging? Is it because some bloggers sometimes wear designer clothes on their blogs? Fancy cameras/pics? Instagram? I couldn't get a consistent answer on this. Regardless, it's no one's business what is done with money nor how it's earned.
The one thing we all have in common, whether we have 1 follower or 1 million, is that we are bloggers. There's a certain kinship there, things that only we can relate to with our fellow bloggers. One of the best parts of that is the support system. And sometimes I wish there was more of that, and less competition. Less comparison. We are bloggers, yes, but we are people, too.
So why are sponsored posts disliked? I'll talk about that next Tuesday.
Do you dislike sponsored posts? Or any type of income-earning (affiliates, ads, etc)?
Extra Elle:
- Saturday morning Charlie and I got up early (weekends are the ONLY days he wakes up early, when I want to sleep in) and headed to Starbucks. He loves the attention he gets and the fact that there's a pet supply store next door. I think it might be a new weekend tradition to do when the weather's nice.

you're right - people fall into one of the two buckets. i rarely do a sponsored post but i wouldn't necessarily say no to it. just not ALL the time. and obviously it has to be something i can totally back. good post!
ReplyDeletexoxo cheshire kat
Ah, I am loving this series already. You are so right, Elle - as bloggers, we all share a kinship!
I don't mind or care about sponsored posts. I Think it's stupid to say you "hate" them. When you see an add on tv, you are seeing an sponsored mini-movie. An I think sponsored posts are actually interesting. You get to know other people's opinion on stuff, and get to know other products. I enjoy doing them. And the money and stuff that I get from these posts I invest it on my blog -- stuff for giveaways, interesting products to review etc.
I have no problems with sponsored posts (heck if you can earn some extra cash doing something you enjoy why not?) but it can be annoying when almost every post is sponsored. It makes me feel like I don't know whether the person is being truthful or just saying something to get paid. <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
ReplyDeleteI don't make money from my Blog but that's not to say someday I won't. However, while one sprinkled in here and there is fine, there is one fairly famous blogger who I totally quit reading because every.single.one of her posts became sponsored and she lost her voice in this blogging world. One of her sponsored posts was even about bladder controls adult diapers, come on get real. I think if you're going to do a sponsored post, you should make it fun and relatable to your audience and speak from the heart about it. In other words only do sponsored posts about something that you would actually use or wear.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be an interesting series. I do not hate sponsored posts and I have done a few myself. However, I am picking about what I choose and not everything goes in line with my blog. I have discovered many wonderful items via sponsored blog posts. However, I do get tired of a blogger having nothing but sponsored posts. I understand the money but that is not someone I will read everyday.
ReplyDeleteI have only done a handful. I don't see a problem with them as long as they align with the niche. Of course it that is all that the blog is or it takes away from the overall purpose of the blog than I can see why people would stop visiting.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind them at all. As as a disabled person who can't work outside the home and my income is limited by disability, anything I make off my blog goes into mostly medication and bills. I do wonder if they are all honest though. I would never promote or try to sell something I did not love or believe in. Its not just about money to me. If that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteI don't write sponsored posts but I get why other bloggers do. I have a lot of reasons why I don't but it's my choice and I certainly won't begrudge another blogger theirs. And I mostly don't mind reading them, but it's usually obvious when it is one, and I typically won't comment or share or whatever else we can do to promote a post.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on hate being such a strong word and a huuuge blanket statement. I definitely am guilty of skipping over a post or two (whether it's sponsored or not) if it doesn't appeal to me-- usually pet or baby products. I think a lot of it comes down to the delivery of what is being sold, and if it seems genuine and like it fits in the blog-- not as though it's just an ad, but I'm all for bloggers making money & more than that supporting each other!
ReplyDeleteI think as long as every post doesn't become sponsored and you make the post your own, I have no problem with SP. I've actually found a few products that I like and wanted to try through reading a SP!
ReplyDeleteI think it depends. I've seen a lot of sponsored posts from people I trust that I really enjoy - & end up buying or using that product - so I do find them useful. But some people that do it randomly, sometimes its just weird & not really full of anything helpful. Its all in delivery.
ReplyDeleteI 100% agree with Ashley! There is a famous You Tuber that I stopped watching because I couldn't tell if it was a product that she actually loved, or one she was being payed to like. There is a very fine line when it comes to losing audience trust.
ReplyDeletexo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
What's wrong with a good sponsored post?! I agree if they get to be every day and more spammy and they don't give their honest opinion I can see where it can become annoying but honestly I don't think any blogger would turn down some extra income just as long is it flows with your blog and you make it your own! Why not make money doing what you love?!
ReplyDelete<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
I'm looking forward to reading more of this series Elle. I am fine with sponsored posts, as long as they are done well. Also, they need to be aligned with the blog's values and target readers. I don't do many sponsored posts right now, but hope to do more in the future as I grow my blog. I am always very selective about the companies that I work with, and have turned down brands that aren't a good fit. I agree with Rebecca Jo about it all being in the delivery.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind sponsored posts at all... I read them all the time and I think they are becoming more and more the norm in blogging. Sometimes I even buy the product after I read them! I do them on my blog, too and it does help support my family and my blog!
I don't mind sponsored posts if it's something I might be interested in using or purchasing. I do not enjoy seeing them everyday on the same blogs though... how can I get to know you? I make a tiny bit of money from my blog and would love to make lots more. I would never begrudge any blogger a shot at earning income. We all spend so much time on this labor of love!
ReplyDeleteI don't mind sponsored posts at all...and I fall in the category of being a non-paid blogger. One thing I don't like though, is when people aren't honest...but I think that falls more into the YouTube world. A lot of the "bigger gurus" seem to rave about the same things once and then you never hear them talk about it again. Can't wait to read more on this little series, Elle! I too wish there was less competition, why can't we all support each other!
ReplyDeletexo, Lily
I'm excited about this series! I have mixed thoughts on sponsored posts, so I can't wait for part 2. I don't mind sponsored posts at all if they fit within a blogger's brand - and if they're limited. I understand people want to make money - and sometimes sponsored posts introduce me to something I might not have known otherwise.
ReplyDeleteBlogging takes up more time than my regular job and pays so little lol, therefore a sponsored post once in a while is totally fine in my book! I celebrate it for bloggers, get it! I know you are getting paid for your worth and influence :)
ReplyDeleteI can totally get behind a sponsored post. I think they are more and more common. However, I definitely prefer when you can totally tell that a person truly believes in/uses the product or item, rather than just shilling it to get paid.
ReplyDeleteSponsored posts are all part of the blogging gig. I find that a few people that HATE sponsored posts are mad they aren't GETTING sponsored. I don't mind them, but won't click on them if it isn't something that interests me. Affiliate links don't bother me either, but I'll stop reading if post after post are only affiliate links. Not in a mean way, I just get bored, haha.
ReplyDeleteI certainly don't hate them. I just don't like when bloggers do a sponsored posts recommending something out of their realm. For instance, if a blogger who primarily blogs about food all of a sudden recommends a new foundation because she got an opportunity to make some money. If I can feel the sincerity being conveyed, I don't mind. I just feel like often times, people just throw them up so they can be compensated. I also don't want to see a sponsored post every other day. There's a fine there, but I can't wait to read the rest of the posts in your series.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that everything we are exposed to these days is a form of advertising, one way or another. And I'm not talking about the blogs, but any kind of publications, paper and electronic, you name it. And no, I have nothing against sponsored or affiliated stuff. I don't really do it much at the moment, but if somebody wants to work with me AND the project fits the blog, I won't refuse it. And yes, it's just a good way to earn some cash by using your talent or knowledge and use the money for everyday things. I mean, people who can't think of anything but shoes are pretty narrow-minded, if I'm honest.... x
ReplyDeleteI don't hate sponsored posts. What I don't like is people that ONLY have sponsored posts and nothing else (which I honestly don't even see often). I think that its great that some people have the opportunity to get sponsored posts. I would definitely accept one if I felt it was a fit for my blog and readers. The main thing I have ever recieved was free product in exchange for a review which I have always noted at the end of the post. I think maybe people that may say that they hate sponsored posts maybe be a little jealous that they aren't getting the same opportunity or maybe are not interested in the subject matter of the posts.
ReplyDeleteI can't say I hate sponsored posts because I write them. I appreciate that some of my hobby is paid and helps with (mostly) bills. I rarely take the money I earn for myself. In that same vein, I try to support other bloggers that have sponsored posts. I think it becomes too much when every post becomes sponsored. I do like being introduced to new products and ideas that sponsored posts allow. It's nice to hear how others incorporate products into their routines.
ReplyDeleteThis series is super interesting! I've never done a sponsored post, but I'm on a few websites where you can get them. I've applied for some on Collective Bias, but for the most part, the things on there are things I'd never want to post about, but I don't care if others do. I got an offer on one site to post about a weighted blanket...which I'm pretty sure is something you would buy for a child (or adult I guess?) with autism and I was just like...this would be perfect if I had an autistic child...but I don't, soooo...why would I post about it?! (Also, they wanted to pay me for the post, without me having ever used the product...which I think is not okay.)
ReplyDeleteThere are a few sponsored posts I've seen that I have rolled my eyes at, for sure. I think you have to make sure the product/company/service really fits you and your blog, and a lot of the sponsored posts I see do. So more power to them! And maybe one day I'll actually get approved and do one myself! Ha!
I have no issues with sponsored posts if the blogger is upfront about it being sponsored and it doesn't feel as if it's from left field. I think hate is a strong term but I can see people getting sick of sponsored posts if that's all a blogger does or if they don't feel genuine. Personally I tend to say no more than yes when it comes to them.
ReplyDeleteIf somebody offered me the opportunity to do a sponsored post, I probably would, but only if it my blog. I don't mind sponsored posts, but I always think it's weird when bloggers do sponsored posts about things that don't really seem to fit with them or their blog. It also gets annoying when a blogger only seems to write about sponsored posts, it really makes you wonder if they have a voice anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'd do a sponsored post only if I really like what is being sponsored - if its something I would buy. Sometimes its just to evident that the post it being done because they are being sponsored that its like a really skinny person promoting chocolate: I'm not buying it :)
ReplyDeleteI like sponsored posts. My husband is the only one who has a "real job" I guess you can say, and I make a little here and there from my blog. If I can help out with our bills and medications we both have to take, then I will do sponsored content, and I see no harm in it. I just won't take on a sponsored post if it has no relation to my niche.
I don't mind sponsored posts, and I'm not against doing the occasional one myself. What I don't like is when companies want to censor your content. I have come across that in things that I have received for free, so now I'm more selective in what I accept because I'm not going to give a glowing review for a product just because it got sent to me. As long as a blogger is up font about what is sponsored and blogs with integrity, then I see nothing wrong with making some extra cash doing what you enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for this series! As far as sponsored posts, I don't mind them as long they fit the general aesthetic of the blog or blogger and every post isn't a sponsored post!
ReplyDeleteXo, Rachel
A Blonde's Moment
It's about finding a balance (the right amount of sponsored vs. original content) and your own voice (making sure whatever you're covering for the sponsored post fits your brand and your blog's brand). Bloggers gotta pay the bills, too! And totally true- any income I earn via LSR goes right back into LSR. It's not like I'm retiring in the next 5 years off sponsored posts, haha. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat series, Elle!
Le Stylo Rouge
I don't mind them if they aren't constant. Also, if the post is interesting, I'll still read. But for the most part, I don't mind them at all.
ReplyDeletehonestly, i think everyone can do what they want with their blog, it's up to me what i want to read, and complaining about something that someone else is posting just seems redundant to me. they are going to continue to do what they want just as i will continue to do what i want. but i don't hate sponsored posts, some people do them better than others and come across honest and genuine, others just sound like a badly written commercial. but if your blog is where you get income, rather than a hobby, why shouldn't you make money off it?
ReplyDeletehilarious that charlie wakes up early on weekends when you want to sleep in! our cats are loud and meowing all the time during the week, but are silent on the weekends (we wake up early anyway but still, it would be nice to get a meow-less weekday night).
It depends...I generally don't mind sponsored posts but there are a few bloggers who overdo it and it becomes so boring and fake. Some posts are not even beauty related and the blog became a confusing jungle of this and that without any directions so I quit reading.
ReplyDeleteShireen | Reflection of Sanity
I'm such a newbie, I haven't made up my mind yet! I don't find them offensive, yet :)
ReplyDeleteI don't mind sponsored posts. I'm happy for my blogger friends when I see them getting sent goodies and/or making some money from doing something they love. I do see how it misleading though when someone does as pondered post, and other can feel that they are only saying they like a product etc because they were paid to do so. BUT I also think that when you trust the blogger to know they will be honest with you, then when they say they like a product they are sent, then they actually do even if they are getting free things or paid etc. I hope that made sense!
ReplyDeleteI defintiely don't hate sponsored posts and do them myself from time to time but I'm very picky about the content and products being shared.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind sponsored posts when they are done well. You always do a great job of being very honest in your reviews so I trust you whether your post is sponsored or not. But that's not the case for every blog I've seen. I wouldn't say that I "hate" those blog posts, just that I don't tend to follow bloggers who post nothing but sponsored posts which aren't written well. I look forward to hearing the rest of your thoughts on this!
ReplyDeleteI think that so long as bloggers maintain a good sponsored to non-sponsored ratio, it's totally fine. I LOVE this post & will be sharing :)
ReplyDeleteI kind of love sponsored posts.... I love seeing how creative they are with different products and seeing products that I would use being used in different ways/on the blogs I love!
ReplyDeleteThis is such an interesting post! I don't mind sponsored post at all because I know bloggers and work hard. I don't do them, but that is because blog is small and more of a journal. I also agree with you about the blogging community. That is why I enjoy blogging!
ReplyDeleteI feel like your blog is your blog and you should do what you want on it. If you want to do sponsored posts more power to you! If someone doesn't like a sponsored post...then dont read it! No point in being ugly or leaving a rude comment because of one.
ReplyDeleteI personally don't do many sponsored posts. A product or service has to be something I stand behind and believe in for me to want to share it. I do use affiliate links for products I like and share on my own because if you are going to click on it anyways...it doesn't hurt to make a few pennies. And I get free books that I write reviews on, but I disclose that I received it for free and am honest in my reviews.
I feel if the blogger is honest in their sponsored post, then I have an appreciation for it and don't mind them so not as they occur daily on the blog. Then I start to lose interest. I think your sponsored posts are great because half the time I don't even know it is a sponsored post til the end. You are good at mixing in real life and your honesty with them.
I don't mind sponsored posts at all. I think it's important to stay true to yourself and pick products you are either interested in or would consider buying on your own. I can see if all of your posts are sponsored that would be a turnoff but here and there I think is fine.
Doused In Pink
Such a great idea for a series! I don't mind sponsored posts: bloggers work hard and sometimes you need to be rewarded for it! However, I stop following blogs who ONLY post sponsored content. There are so many good blogs out there that I don't want to waste my time reading only ads!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a very interesting series! I don't mind sponsored posts, but when they aren't about a topic usual on the blog, I tend to skip them...
ReplyDeleteReally interesting post! For me, a sponsored post's appeal depends on its relevancy to a blog's usual topics...but even when it's not of interest to me, I still understand the logic behind why a blogger would choose to publish it.
ReplyDeleteI don't care for sponsored posts. they come across fake to me. Most of the time they give one or two sentences but do not actually say anything.
ReplyDeleteThere was one blog that i used to LOVE who is now fluff crap every single day. There is really nothing left of her in the blog anymore. It is sad.
What a great post and such an interesting series. I have only done a handful of sponsored posts also a handful of posts where I promoted a brand but got nothing in return. I haven't gotten many companies that have contacted me, but I can tell you that I have turned down at least half a dozen. Of course I would love to make income from my blog as I put a lot of time on it but I am all about being genuine, keeping it real and staying true to myself too. The one thing I cannot stand is when a blogger has on a head to toe c/o outfit every damn day. No it is not because I am jealous, I just don't find it realistic. And you know I have gotten some free stuff that was crappy too so just because it is free doesn't mean you have to accept it or wear it. Unfortunately I can think of quite a few bloggers that enter this latest category.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem with your sponsored posts because you always have your voice and go above and beyond with your reviews.
I think you hit the nail on the head! I'm totally fine with bloggers doing sponsored posts and I think it's amazing when a blogger can earn income or even have this as their full-time job, but when it starts to become ALL sponsored posts and there is nothing about THEM in the blog anymore, I start to loose interest!! Very great read and I loved all the comments! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteI personally don't have a problem at all with sponsored posts or bloggers making money off of their blog. Let's be real for a second and just think about how much time actually goes into blogging. I honestly probably spend more time and energy towards my blog than my real life full-time 40 hr job some days. And if I have the opportunity to get paid for writing and creating things, which I love, then that's amazing in my opinion and I'm not sure why so many people have a problem with that. Great post on getting different perspectives, though!
ReplyDeleteI've done a couple sponsored posts, but turned down several others because I just didn't care or like what was being asked of me. I think that the main reason I started blogging was A.) I liked to write B.) to connect with others C.) learn from other people. I will say i'm not a super fan of sponsored posts, I don't come to the blogging world to basically read commercials, I come for connections, to grow, to learn about the journey of others.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I do understand that certain blogs are more likely to have sponsored content, cooking blogs, makeup blogs, fashion blogs etc. I know that by going to that page I may see sponsored content and I'm okay with that. My main issue is the blogs I adore that become COMPLETELY sponsored content, the blogger loses their voice or feels chained by that content and then eventually I lose sight of why I loved that blog to begin with. I guess overall I feel like it's a thin line and most people I've read who go for sponsored content lose their originality and lose me as a reader.
I think as long as a blogger can maintain themselves and still shine through these sponsored posts, then I totally get it. However, I've seen so many blogs lose themselves through sponsored content. Once that happens, I feel like I can't relate and lose interest. I think as long as it's done mindfully, it can work.
ReplyDeleteI love this post! this is so so well said!
ReplyDeleteI don't mind sponsored posts as long as it's something that I think the blogger genuinely likes. If it's a post just for money or doesn't seem in line with her blog, then that bothers me. Great post!
I think they are fine in moderation!
ReplyDeletexx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
I don't mind sponsored blog spots or videos at all, but I would prefer they actually genuinely like the products they are being sponsored for. Sometimes I feel like they get paid only to say good things and sometimes that isn't their real opinion. I like getting an honest opinion.
Can't wait to read more of this series, Elle! I feel like SP's are fine if they align with the blog's content. If a food blog posts an SP on a new organic vegetable oil, I think that's fine. However, if I'm reading a fashion blog, I don't want to see a sponsored post about the best new product for clearing a toilet clog! :) When the sponsored content doesn't align with the blog, I start questioning the authenticity of the writer's opinions. If the content fits the blog, then I have no problem with SP's and think it's great that people can make back a little bit of the money they've invested in their blog. Blogging is neither cheap nor easy!
ReplyDeleteI had four sponsored posts in February. That's a lot, right? Except I also blogged every single day. If anyone can fault me for having 4 posts out of 29 be sponsored, then I'm okay with losing their readership. And I didn't even get paid for these particular ones--I just received free products.
ReplyDeleteWhether I get paid or free product or both, I work really hard on my sponsored posts to make them interesting and about more than just a brand. I also notice when other bloggers do the same. I don't have a problem with sponsored posts because we're otherwise doing all of this work for no money.
Sorry I'm so behind! Trying to get caught up, though. I don't really understand why people dislike bloggers making money off of their blogs. My blog is obviously not a huge source of income but I've made a little bit off of it and received items for reviewing but why not help each other out? I was reading a thread one time about how when they saw an affiliate link in someones post, they purposefully wouldn't click it so that person would get paid for it. Can some bloggers go overboard? Absolutely but I don't understand the mindset of not clicking on a link just so that person won't receive any benefits from it.