
Rants and Raves: Sick Edition

Hey you! Normally I post my weekly Rants and Raves on Sunday nights, but in case you've not noticed, I've been really, really sick. Today is the first time I've opened my computer since Thursday. My mom just asked where my posts were, so here ya go!

  • This "cold" that will not end. It started off as a little cold (sinus infection) but has turned into something similar to the flu or mono. It's been a doozy, let me tell ya. I haven't been able to do much of anything. Breathing wears me out. My thoughts are all jumbled. And I'm not able to sleep much. 
  • At the end of the day, it's temporary (I hope). Many are going through worse, so I have no reason to complain. I'm feeling well enough to type this, so that's improvement.
  • Charlie, because he's the Cutest Dog Ever, but not a good nurse. ;)
  • THANK YOU to everyone who left me get well wishes on my Instagram
I should be back with a regular beauty posts tomorrow (I hope). I've missed visiting your blogs and hope you've missed mine!

What are your Rants and Raves of the week?


  1. Glad you're feeling better! Pets are always the best nurses :)




  2. Oh no, that really, really blows. I hope you feel better soon!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. Feel better soon Elle! I know how miserable I am when I'm sick. Get plenty of rest! :( We'll be waiting for you to build up enough strength to post again. :)


  4. Glad to read you're feeling a wee bit better, Elle, but do take it easy.
    And yay to Charlie as always:)

  5. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! Get yourself some soup and just rest up :)

    The Tiny Heart

  6. Yay to feeling better! and yay Charlie!
    Though I'm missing your posts, you're health comes first! We'll still be here =)

  7. Get well soon! Summer colds are the worst because it just feels like the time of year you're supposed to be safe from being sick.

  8. Glad you're feeling better! Being sick is no fun, but at least you have an adorable little nurse to keep you company :)

  9. Ugh, it's no fun being sick- I'm sorry you've caught The Cold That Just Won't Quit. Feel better soon! :)


  10. I have definitely been missing your blog, but health comes first. Being sick is no fun, but at least you have little Charlie to keep you company and entertain you. :)

    Get well soon!

    Lily | beautywithlily.blogspot.com

  11. I am so sorry you've been feeling this bad for this long!! I hope you feel better soon!

  12. Summer colds are the worst! (it's still summer in my part of the States). Feel better, lady.

  13. Boo to yucky colds! I just got over one myself and I'm sending lots of light, love, and positive energy your way for a speedy recovery. Feel better Elle!

    With Love,

  14. Really hope you're feeling more up to speed tomorrow! Come back soon, I miss your posts!

  15. I'm sorry to hear that you have been so sick. It is great that you are at least feeling some better than you have been. Pets are great company, but not very good nurses.

    Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  16. Hugs and healing to you! There's nothing worse than a cold that just won't quit!!! T. http://tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com

  17. aw feel better!


  18. I'm so sorry that you've been sick! I've had a cold since last Thursday that will not budge, and it's making me miserable. Hopefully we're both back to normal this week! :)

  19. Hope you feel better soon! It's a tough time of the year for getting sick with the season changes.

  20. Aw, I am sorry to hear you are not well. I hope you get better soon!

  21. awww, hope you get better soon! the last time i had a cold/cough, it stuck around for EIGHT WEEKS!

    Vodka and Soda


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)


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