
Weekend Plans

Just LOOK at that photo of Jamaica (via findstuff2 on photobucket). It automatically gives me a sense of calmness and refreshment. I grew up around an hour or so from the beach and I love it. Some people are mountain people (my brother, step-dad fit this model), some are just happy being at home, some...Idk...and some (ME!) love, love, love the beach. I scramble down there every chance I can get, which is usually once a year. Sads. I'm such a beach-nut that I have video of beaches I've gone to, just so I can hear the ocean when I need a fix. Ahh....

Where was I? For my little sister's 15th birthday, she decided she wanted a family trip (!) to the beach (!!!). This will be an exciting venture since my family has NEVER had a family trip. I'm serious. If we don't all have a nervous breakdown on the trip to Florida, a small miracle will have occured. Pics post coming soon! Ha!

So are you a beach person? Mountains? River? I suppose it's where you grew up, eh?
What are YOUR weekend plans? Be safe, be good, and be well! Muah!

1 comment:

  1. The photo of the Jamaica beach makes me want to be there very much. Hi. I'm Mally. I found you using the search "pen pal." I've bought a POBox just so I can have pen pals write and be safe, too. I prefer handwriting US Mail penpals. Let me know what you think of that. I'm 52, been in Atlanta since high school, live in Doraville, and have a fulltime job as a desktop publisher. Tonight, I'm going to a budhist meditation class which I started in Feb. I like it, although it's a bit unorthodox. I think I can spell pretty good until I come across an uncommon word like unorthodox and then I think again. I don't necessarily like trying new things, but I go out of my comfort zone sometimes and do. Like the med class. Today I tried Tai Chi for the first time. I'm trying to reconnect with this body attached to my head. Hope to hear from you. Cute pic of you smiling. I like that. Mally


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)


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