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I've had blogs on and off since 1997, only they weren't called "blogs" back then-- think bad emo poetry on a definitely-deleted LiveJournal. I started ElleSees in 2009, and it has been an amazing journey, not just of my own blog, but blogs in general. Blogging has changed, and in some cases, not for the better. While I am no blogging expert, there's really no right/wrong way to blog, and I think there's room for all, I thought I'd share my opinions on what has happened to blogs.
Blogs started as a way to share feelings, lives, hobbies, etc. I started ElleSees because I am a beauty fanatic. I was tired of seeing bad beauty advice, wanted to share what I knew of beauty, and maybe help some of those who shun a beauty routine because of time/skill/budget. Earning income (occasionally) or receiving free items from blogging wasn't my motivation, but was a nice perk. With any new "thing" if there's a way to make money from it, it will happen. But instead of blogging because of passion for a subject, the motivation for some is to blog solely for the money/freebies. Hey, do what makes you happy--it just kinda bums me a little that blogging motivation is changing. It almost makes blogging look like a "get rich quick" scheme.
It seems like everyone has a blog, right? It's made the competition that much harder. The flood of blogs has definitely hurt comment numbers on blogs, and the level of engagement is different (but not gone) than say, five years ago. With there being so many blogs, it's almost made reading blogs less desirable. Think of the Dot Com crash--the market was so saturated, that online businesses disappeared.
Social media has been the best/worst thing for blogs. On one hand, it's another avenue to drive traffic to your blog, but on the other hand? It has killed blog traffic. Why view your blog when I can see your post on your Instagram? Microblogging is growing, and it's one of the reasons why I work hard on my Instagram. Attention spans are even shorter. Blogging is evolving.
When I started blogging, there was a learning curve. Blogs were more like diaries, then. I started with bad-quality pics from my phone (the quality is so much better now in camera phones, right?). Now blogs are practically shot and presented editorial-style. I've heard of professional photographers and Photoshop editors being hired just for a blog. Your content may be great, but pictures have to be amazing--a hard lesson I've learned. Raise your hand if you skip the text, look at the pics, and comment on the first or last sentence when reading a blog. It's all about the pictures.
Have you ever fallen prey to "click bait?" You click a catchy headline only to have bad information? With all of that competition, blogs need a way to stand out, right? And one way to do that is with Top 5, Top 10, The Best___ posts. I use this trick too, because it works. How many "Pinterest lies" have you experienced? Maybe you made The Best Chicken Recipe that you pinned (and it was awful)? The focus here is on getting traffic (to make money), not necessarily true content, original content or good content. Every single day I see blogs steal content from other blogs--get permission and site that source! Or better yet, create better content.
Everyone is suddenly an expert on any given blogging subject, right? One of the reasons I started my blog was because I was tired of seeing bad reviews, bad beauty advice and bad beauty myths that still continue to exist (example: Preparation H will do nothing for your puffy eyes and bloggers still share this as valid info). This is another example of a traffic-grabber--say you're an expert on something, even if you aren't! You'll get the numbers! It's irresponsible and discredits the blog (and blogging). It creates more false information. No, you don't have to be an expert to have a good blog, just aware of how you present the information.
This last one is a bit of a personal rant, so feel free to skip to the end! Let's talk about a little blogging etiquette, shall we?
- What burns my biscuits is when I share a thoroughly reviewed product (from a company that contacted me) on my social media, and then another blogger tags the company wanting to do business with them--on my comment section!
- Or when a blogger uses my name after seeing a review on my blog as a means to get free product from a company (ElleSees said to contact you since you just worked with her when I did no such thing). It's tacky and it can make me look bad. Research the company, the products, and then YOU contact them.
- Or when I get asked, "Why did they give that position (ambassador for a product, a sponsored post, award etc) to you? How can I get that? Will you hook me up?" No. While I support my fellow bloggers, I'm not here to build their blogs. It makes me feel like they don't think I deserve any small successes I have.
Blogging is still one of my favorite things in the world. I talk about beauty and blogging to anyone who will listen. After 4 years I continue to love and enjoy blogging and haven't run out of ideas yet! Creating posts, sharing my DIYs and knowledge still excite me. I love the blogging community. I've met some true friends here, and there are some great blogs out there. I just hope this current evolution is a blip and that creators will begin to care about content. I can't wait to see the next chapter!

All very valid points - I think instagram and micro blogging as you said has really changed the scope of blogging, but I think the positives that come with blogging will always be there. Specifically this wonderful community of people!! :)
ReplyDeleteI read and follow many blogs.. I have seen the changes in the past 5 years myself. If someone is just blogging for free items I usually don't stick with them as I find most of them don't really involve themselves in the blog. There are some really amazing blogs out there♡
ReplyDeleteI love posts like this. I can completely see where you're coming from and I can't believe people can be so nosy and cocky sometimes as to assume they can use your name to get ahead. I also am a bit worried about the power of microblogging (I'm not too skilled at promoting my content at social networks yet).
ReplyDeleteBut I believe that even if you're not an expert and if you care about the things you write you'll get noticed by similar people that will enjoy your content. That's my hope anyway. My 1 year experience doesn't tell me that it's a quick way to get rich even if a part of me would be very pleased if it was. Blogging is fun, I love sharing.
If you wanna answer my comment, email: lesia@joukova.com :)
Thank you, Elle! I love articles like this! Let's hope blogging has a long and bright future!
Wow the etiquette section shocked me the most! I would be so mad if someone used my name with a company without my permission, too!
ReplyDeleteI think blogs are always growing and evolving and sure some ruin it for others but I don't think they last long so I think if the others keep plugging along that will stand the test of time. The community of amazing people I have met will always outweigh the negative.
ReplyDeleteI've had a few freebies from brands getting in touch, or wanting bloggers via social media and even though it's a massive perk and that brands think my blog is worth working with it's not the reason why I blog. I love reading, I love writing, and seeing what others think about various things be that makeup, day trips, traveling, books and more so is the reason why I do it.
ReplyDeleteSome join for the wrong reasons. I love this post, it's very honest xx
Kate | A British Sparkle
wow, excellent, well-written post!! i happen to really, really agree with the "perfection" comment. i am guilty that sometimes when i'm in a rush, i look at the pics and comment based on them. it is hard to devote 5 minutes to reading a whole post without pictures. i also am a visual learner so this is something that i like!! i think blogging has changed so much since i started (in 2011) and that's only 3 years. i'm upset with the quality and find that alot of bloggers are just in if for the "get rich quick" scheme too. however there are a handful of bloggers that i just love reading because they share their lives, and i have simliar interests in them.. and they are genuine.
ReplyDeleteah, loved this post. :D
I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on all this (and I weirdly had no idea that the whole Preparation H thing didn't work!).
ReplyDeleteCourtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines
blogging is my outlet when i have the time. i don't care about numbers, i certainly don't care if my posts are perfect (they're usually filled with nonsense and baloney) but it's something i do for fun.
ReplyDeletei remember when blogging was called "online journaling". all these platforms didn't exist and you either had to create your own site via Geocities which was an awful platform or use livejournal. remember when LJ was all the rage? haha!
Vodka and Soda
Um ew! I can't believe people say you endorse them, that's so weird and rude!
ReplyDeleteLove reading your blog, keep up the great work!
These are all such great points. We started our blog about 5 years ago and the blog world has changed SO much since then! I really think Instagram and social media has had a huge impact on blog traffic. Like you said, why read the blog when you can just see and heart a quick Instagram picture? We still love blogging, though, and will continue to blog until we no longer enjoy doing it. And we are happy to have met other awesome people (be it virtually or in real life) through our blog, you included!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I will give up on blogging any time soon either, but I agree with you on so many points here, especially the way the emotional side of blogging and the attention span (which, on the other hand, makes me appreciate my real true readers even more). x
ReplyDeleteLove this post! I started my blog a while back mainly for my friends to see how I baked my cupcakes and didn't realise how big and competitive this blogging community really was. Kind of scary but I can't believe people feel the need to write that on your posts!
ReplyDeleteBlogging for me is just a thing to look back on and share to others what I like and life updates, not a competition for money.
Thank you for this post :)
kathrynscupcakes.blogspot.co.uk x
Oh, I would be so upset if people were using my name to get things or really just using my name at all without you even ever talking to the person! I think I'm one of the few people who have mixed feelings about instagram for blogging, but maybe I need to get with the times :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with the comments above, Elle:) Great post, and really well-written. I've been blogging for awhile now, and reading blogs for a lot longer. What saddens me the most is when I see the big bloggers now, and remember the time when they were actually genuine and not completely wearing outfits that are C/Os. Now, most of these blogs are like ads for companies. I understand they have to make money, but they can still be original doing it, right? I think Atlantic-Pacific is one of the few ones that haven't really changed in terms of her style.
ReplyDeleteLovely honest post and have to agree with you about some of the points and the cheek of some people!
Super valid points! Blogging now is definitely more difficult with all the competition out there. It seems like everyone and their mom has a blog these days. And social media has definitely made it super easy to just skip going to the blog all together. Definitely frustrating!
ReplyDelete<3, Pamela
This was so well written and SO accurate! The blogging market is so saturated and it is hard to stand out. Someone recently copied one of my posts )literally stole the name and layout! I was so upset. Blogging is a way for me to express my creativity and love of fashion and I learn so much every day from it. And I totally love your rant - I have a whole list I could add haha
I completely agree with you 100% on all of these! Especially social media! It's such a great way to promote your blog but at the sane time no one is actually going to your blog since it's already been seen! Great post girl!
ReplyDelete<3 Shannon
Great points, particularly the etiquette section.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great post! I've been thinking a lot about how blogging has changed, and I haven't changed with it. I think the real difference is that a lot of blogs are to make a small amount of money, and everyone wants a piece of the action. It is really crazy how blogging has proliferated!
ReplyDeleteI here you with the pictures thing. So days I wonder why I even write things in my post. When most people are looking at my pictures. There a few blogger that I know like you who actually read my blog and I can't tell you how much it means to me.
ReplyDeleteI also once had a blogger who was trying to piggy back of me. Which hit a nerve in me. I use your blog name are lot in my post but that b/c I won a pair of sunglasses from your blog and they happen to be my favorite pair of glasses.
It is sad, I've been blogging for close to 7 years now, mainly as a way to share my adventures with my family. As life's hardships came into my life though, I realized I had a voice. It's always motivated me to write, even when I have only 20 views on my blog. I'm not hurt by it, every couple of months somebody tells me thanks for writing that and it makes it all worth it! I've enjoyed your beauty tips and plan to keep following, reading this post makes you real as compared to other blogs who are in it for the money and I really appreciate that!
ReplyDeleteI read most of this (have to come back later since I have to take Vivian for her nap now) but you make some very valid points here. I'd be lying if I didin't say that there have been several times when I wanted to call it quits but for the most part I really enjoy blogging and sharing my style and other things I love with many other women I have things in common with. It is very time-consuming and I am in very few social media sites. Blogging is by far my only outlet just for me. Yes I have facebook but it is not at all related to the blog. Loved reading this. You kept it very real, as per usual.
ReplyDeleteI started on LiveJournal too! And I've noticed the evolution you describe. Your points are true.
ReplyDeleteI think it's important to have realistic expectations in blogging. I don't really have an interest in monetizing my blog because I like the "diary" quality of my blog. I write primarily for people I know to keep them updated on my life, so I write content I think they will enjoy. I have a little blog, but I love it!
ReplyDeleteI was a LiveJournal blogger to start too! And then I started my blog in 2011 and I have seen the changes as well - especially seeing a lot of my favorite bloggers just go to only posting on Instagram, which is nice, but I like both! I blog to be able to remember things in my life and the icing on the cake is finding others who enjoy the same things or want to connect with me. I'll keep going and I'll still be reading yours!
ReplyDeleteI've been blogging for as long as I can remember, I did the livejournal thing then the tumblr in its early days. I had the same motivation for starting my blog as you and it really is a shame to see so many people with bad intentions. Im shocked at some of you comments youve received in the "etiquette" section, how low will people go?
ReplyDeleteI hope you always continue to enjoy what you do because you do a fantastic job.
La Belle Sirene
I think you hit on it with your first part – there are too many people looking to make finances off blogging and don’t think about the content and that they really have to work at it. I don’t usually make money off blogging – sometimes an occasional sponsored/partnered post – but for the most part people think it’s easy and free money.
ReplyDeleteI once met an aspiring blogger who thought she’d be making money right away on a niche blog. I ran a top-level niche blog for nearly two years and we were a hit within the niche. However, the only payment we ever received was products to review. That was fine to us, but many people couldn’t understand how it hadn’t become our full-time jobs.
The over-saturation goes hand-in-hand with all of this. Everybody competes for ads now. There are thousands of mommy bloggers who cover the same type of subjects. That means they have to stand out to make the money.
I still blog because I love it. Would I love to receive a few products to review? Sure. Would I love to make a few extra bucks? Absolutely. But in the end, I love my blog (I’ve been at it since 2005) and have no issues keeping it personal and about the things I wish to write about.
And truthfully, blogging comes down to what you want to get out of it or expect to get out of it. I personally love doing it for the sake of it. If I get 100 page views a day or 500 or more, I’m happy. I used to write professionally (and still do, to an extent), so it’s my outlet for personal creativity.
Good post. Glad I stumbled upon it.
Love this post... everything is soo true!!! also what gets me is when people want to do follow for follow -- ahhh I hate it, If you like a blog for its content then follow it.. not just to get a follow back -- really strange where that logic came from!
ReplyDeletexo Jessica
I've only been blogging for one year but still agree with so many of these points! Especially the etiquette section... I cannot believe people would do that! It makes me sad that some people use blogging as just a way to make some money/score some free stuff. I've been noticing some blogs heading that way and it is such a turn off. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your thoughts on this. there really is a over saturation. sometimes i think it's bad but other times i'm glad people want to express themselves! And i can't believe that people would actually wonder WHY you got an award?! that is so rude!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this - and I actually did read the whole thing, not just the first or last sentence or two lol. I definitely think that people do that - comments reflect it, I posted the other day about wanting an olive jacket and posted inspiration photos, and someone commented 'looks great on you, so pretty!' i was like how can you even? there are 10 different people in this post, you didn't even look at the photos. I read every word my favourite bloggers write, I sometimes skip ones I'm not a huge fan of, or posts that I can't relate to. It's bad but true. I haven't been blogging as long as you, nor am I as good at it (love your blog!) but I do think there is an over saturation, the amount of blogs are endless and it's overwhelming at times. But I found a lot of great blogs through blogging, so I don't mind it!
ReplyDeleteI think this is a brave post, but one that I nodded along to wholeheartedly. Blogging for me is a past time - I have a full time job, and never sought out to make my living from blogging. I've seen certain blogs going from being entirely genuine (with crappy quality photos), and returning comments, to then people getting so "big" that they stop responding altogether. I think you've always stayed true to who you are, you write amazing posts that I am seriously so grateful for, and you are one of the most genuine people I know.
ReplyDeleteGeat post girl- all valid points! I think just staying true to yourself and the reason you started blogging in the first place is the key and it seems to be working for you! Have a great day love! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI blog for the community aspect of it, even though my life outside of the blog world keeps me extremely busy. I'll try to always find time to blog, because I enjoy the friends I have met.
ReplyDeleteSuch an honest post Elle! I couldn't agree more. I hate seeing other bloggers steal my content, layouts, poses, and style. People don't realize how much hard work goes into blogging!
ReplyDeletex. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina
So so many great points! My blog has grown over the almost two years that it has existed, but it has also gotten more complicated. Sometimes I feel like I'm really moving on the right track, yet other days I feel like I've fallen two steps backwards. And etiquette is a huge thing! I get some comments on my blog, and I just can't bring myself to even respond because I think, "Really? Is this person serious?" Thankful for true and genuine blogs out there like yours!
I've often wondered if "professional blogging" (I don't know the proper term) is a cut-throat business, and it sounds like in some aspects it could be!! But that is rude for people to "steal" your ideas/content/connections, and I say good for you for pointing it out. I don't comment on blogs often, but I do enjoy reading them... And am guilty of sometimes only looking at the pictures. You got me! :-)
ReplyDeleteVery honest post, and I appreciate it!
You are definitely right, everyone seems to have a blog these days and sometimes I get the feeling that people visit my blog just to get additional exposure or leave links but hopefully there are a few that will really read what I have to say. I really enjoy reading your posts and it is clear that you invest time and passion into your writing :) Thank you for sharing your great tips and experience with us!
ReplyDeleteThe phrase "will you hook me up" constantly drives me bonkers! I feel your pain Elle ;-)
ReplyDeleteXo Ally
you are preaching girl! the best blogging is when people do it for personal and wholesome reasons. it's definitely becoming over saturated, but that makes everyone appreciate great, honest posts like this one even more :)
ReplyDeletewell said, Elle
I completely feel where you are coming from. I started blogging 3 years ago and there are bloggers that have thousands of more social media followers,blog hits, and worked with companies and brands that I will never hear from. I only post when its genuine, I turn down companies that I know I wouldn't normally recommend. So I may never reach that success but I enjoy it and have my integrity and that's success to me :)
ReplyDeleteI so agree! I've been feeling this way for months! I started my blog in 2009 as well and even with crappy photos, I still got a ton more traffic back then than I do today with pretty pictures :) it's really hard because I feel like I'm not good enough sometimes. Not pretty enough, skinny enough, just not enough. My comments have gone down and I rarely get new subscribers. I refuse to give up though! I love blogging so much and I do it because I love it, not because I want to make money (I have a regular job). I hope the pendulum swings the other way again but I doubt it. Sad, really.
ReplyDeleteI started my first blog in 1999 and I completely agree with social media being the "best/worst" thing for blogging. An evolution into shorter-form media is probably bad for people like me who are ridiculously wordy (ha ha), but it's actually quite good for folks who are more visually oriented! If anything I feel like Instagram has made me more conscious of how good my photos look, and that's probably not bad? (My first blog didn't even have any photos at all. Things have CHANGED!)
ReplyDeleteI only worry about my own blog and not about everyone else's. As long as I am happy/proud of my content, that's all that matters. I don't get anything sent to me or paid for anything ( yet!) lol! But if I did, it wouldn't change who I AM as a blogger and person. The whole "competition " of it all is actually silly to me. I mean everyone has their faves that they actually read. And whether or not someone's is better than mine isn't going to make them a better person. I can totally understand your frustration on people tagging a company in your photos though or wanting " a hook up!" All my friends and family automatically think that just because I'm a blogger, if I give them any makeup or beauty items that I received them for free. And that's not the case. The items I review have been bought with my own money! Or are gifts from friends, not companies. And I have been offered a few things from companies bit they weren't quality items that I would want my name associated with so I politely declined them. You are right to get upset by all of this Elle. But just remember that people will always try to follow on your "coat tails" the minute u get a little bit if success. And since u are a very successful blogger, u are going to be targeted. Try to keep your head held high, and just let "them" go....;)
ReplyDeleteThat's my life - posts in drafts. So I just end up instagramming, but I'm trying to revive it.
ReplyDeleteA blog is like a business - if you want to grow it, you do the work, and thus deserve the credit. Love your points and I enjoyed reading this!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I'm still trying to learn the ins and outs of blogging and trying to figure how I can stand out after a year.
ReplyDeleteYeah girl, I'm fist-pumping while reading this post! Sooo true- you have to blog because you love it, not because you're looking for freebies and to get rich. You have to good content and a solid voice- so key when there are so many bloggers, and new blogs popping up all the time.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog- I know I can trust you, too- which is HUGE. I know that when you give a review, it's honest and researched. I don't ever worry that you've just taken a company's money and spit back the PR line. :)
Keep up the awesome work!
Oh yes, there are some ballsy commenters out there.
ReplyDeleteI also love blogging!
This was such a great post Elle. Thanks for being true and genuine. Because of this, you will far outlast the trends that you are writing about. I hope the idea of wanting to blog to make money goes away soon!
ReplyDeleteI thought I had heard it all - but really, people talking to a brand on the comment section of YOUR blog?????? Then using your name for freebies????? Smh.
ReplyDeleteVery honest and well put post, Elle! I had no idea people were stooping that level to get free products, that's just utterly ridiculous!
It is really amazing how blogs have changes over just the past 5 years. Been a fun ride :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this, a lot of this has been on my mind lately too and I know I am not perfect with it. While I did start my blog with the intention of growing it to SOME point to monetize it, my main goal was to help inspire people to dress for work and weekends on a budget/ how to thrift! Lately I have struggled (which goes to a lot of things going on at home too) to represent what I started. I think with affiliates like rewardStyle and shopstyle a lot of bloggers see the potential to make a lot of money by simply shopping and sharing what they bought. I'm all for supporting others and their ambitions, but I do feel like I see a lot of the same stuff out there. I think what I have been forgetting is that if you aim to be valuable along with something your passionate about, the success will come (with hard work too of course)!
ReplyDeleteYou got me nodding while reading your post, Elle. Great info and even better rant! People tagging company in your comment is downright tacky and rude, unbelievable!
ReplyDeleteWhen I finally decided to focus on beauty, my only goal was to provide my honest opinion on products and by no way, I am an expert of any kind especially with the fact I am new to beauty products myself. The only thing I have to offer is my honesty and while I know it's not much but I hope it helps someone out there.
Reflection of Sanity
What wonderful wise words dear Elle! You know that you are my inspiration, right? You are so honest and you have every right to be proud of what you have accomplished! Very interesting how blogging changed! I also think that so many girls in the beauty blogger sphere do it to get freebies. But I also have seen in one year so many girls quit. It's those that keep doing a good job that will accomplish something. While I was very excited in the beginning to receive freebies I today say very often "No" to a product if I don't see a fit (not accepting any products that are not cruelty free for example) or don't think it's worth it (some companies want so much!!!) I started my blog with posting freebies you can get online and never had an intention of becoming a real beauty blog but it grew into it. When I started blogging I had almost no make up and no skills either. It's a learning process for me and I hope others will learn something from little me cause I think it's never too late. Anyway: as so many times before: a wonderful honest post my dear Elle! Kisses from your online friend Sissi
ReplyDeleteDarn it! I'm kind of sad the bad emo poetry LiveJournal no longer exists, LOLOL! I had a Free Open Diary, and I, too, am quite happy that thing is long gone! :) I don't mind anyone getting free products for review as long as they share their honest opinion when they review it. If not, then it's just as bad as reading a magazine beauty section where they get paid to write kudos for something that's less than stellar. I would be so upset to hear that someone contacted a company using my name as a referral when that didn't happen! SO RUDE! If you blog because you love it, good things will come your way - that's the long and short of it!
ReplyDeleteI'm a relatively new blogger (two years now), but I know I love it! Met lots of fab folks out here in the blogosphere, and I get to write (my passion). It's my "secret" life and it truly feeds my soul. :) T. http://tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your thoughts, Elle, and the perspective of someone who has seen the way that blogging has evolved in the past 5 years. I've only been at this for a few months but I've seen some of the things you referred to (like the commenting). What I can't believe is the scenario in your Etiquette section. I mean I believe you, but I can't believe some people! Wow.
ReplyDeleteI loved this honest, raw post. I can relate to so many items and you are such a pro. I mean seriously, bravo. I read your blog because I know I will get honest info about some of the best beauty products on my bucket list. Keep it up! You've accomplished so much!
ReplyDeleteHad to pop by and read your post - you know I love the most honest ones best. I agree with you on so many things -- I have often wondered what the point is of professional photogs, editors -- even hiring assistants {!} for a personal blog. Doesn't it at that point not become "personal" anymore?
ReplyDeleteI say, do whatever you like but find myself getting more and more turned off by blogs that make me feel as though everything they do is $$ driven. Or crazily pre-planned --
just my two cents!
Loved this post. xox
I cannot believe someone actually used you as a reference when you did not endorse them at all. I am shocked at how low someone would go to promote themselves. There are limits to self-promotion.
ReplyDeleteI used to "blog" myself back in the day. I had a simple online platform on myspace and an open journal before that. I love seeing successful people compensated for posts. I consider successful people ones that do not have to stand on the back of another to get what they want. Using another human being for promotion or monetary gain is wrong. Elle, I'm very glad you have been successful in your blog and I wish you all the best (and a lot of growth). I know that you have to be weary of people (and their sincerity), but you are doing a great job overall and it shows.
As far as microblogging, the idea makes me very sad. I don't use Instagram that much, but I have noticed its growing popularity. I try to incorporate it here and there, but it is hard for me. I just like to write because it pushes me creatively. I miss those days when people actually paid attention to words.
Sorry...I wrote an essay on your comments section.
Hi .. this one came straight from your heart.. I totally agree with each and every point.. there are so many blogs now and its hard to make a mark for yourself.. personal touch is lost also as u rightly said there used to be a learning curve which now isn't.. we all are good in our own way bt i wish people do it from their heart.. its more business now to be honest.. i got to know u recently but I must say you are one sensible blogger around,,, keep up the great work xoxo
Discovering many and many blogs and bloggers is good for inspiration for friendships but you can't offer the same time and quality feedback as the beginning.
Great post! I agree wholeheartedly with some of your points. I love blogging, although I've had to scale back posting because of life and work, it's enjoyable for me becasue I love seeing what others are inspired by, and don't do it to get comments, etc. I have had to delete and edit some of the blogs that I read, because of transparent ack of passion or heart in some bloggers, when you can tell through their post that they are fibbing or really don't care, that's not good. One blogger gave wrong information about designing, particularly menswear, something that I have done professionally for over 10 years, so I pleasantly educated her with the correct info. and she unfollowed me on all accts. Oh well, some people sadly would rather believe they are experts in fields that they fancy, instead of reading and researching proper terminology and content before posting. I mean, Google is free, haha./M
ReplyDeleteGood post. I agree with you so much has changed!
ReplyDeleteLike with everything thefe is good and bad.
I found your post very enlightening. I am fairly new to blogging and use it as a way to share all of the things that interest me or experiences that I have. Being a newbie, I wonder about blogger etiquette as I notice some of the things you mention like people asking "why did a brand pick you?' When I see comments like this I wonder, why is this person reading this blog as the comment seems to have somewhat of a negative tone underlying it. I just want to say that I enjoy your blog and posts on Instagram. You are always forthcoming about what you do and why in your posts. You seem very genuine and I love that! xoxo
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! I can't stand the "click bait", but even worse I can't stand when I catch myself naming something a certain title to get more clicks...it's a tough balance to keep content genuine, but you do a really great job!!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I hadn't really thought about it, but it's true that microblogging and putting your blog content on Instagram has become a "thing". I wonder how that will continue to affect the blogging world.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I cannot believe that you have readers who try to jump into your reviews like that. Yikes!
Hold on, people really use your name to get free stuff or so?! That's insane and so not fair, and quite frankly lazy. Go contact them yourself. Seriously. Plus, I am sure you'd contact a fellow blogger you adore and refer them if you feel like it. Just unfair. I am glad you continue to blog. I may not comment at all (anymore)...it's been really really hard, but I do read your blog still...I am pretty sure for four years by now. :) WOW.
ReplyDeleteSo true! It's wonderful to read your thoughts on blogging! Blogging has changed so much, and it will be interesting to see how it continues to evolve :)
ReplyDeleteAgree with all your points! Definitely disappointing to see where blogging has gone in the 5 years I've been doing it. A lot of girls want the free stuff. I'm sure you know, but getting all this free stuff comes with strings attached and I start feeling like a hoarder lol especially living in a Manhattan studio. Not a lot of room.
ReplyDeleteMy blogging buddies and I agree that the bubble is going to burst soon enough. Blogging can't continue on this path. But blogging does have a lot of great aspects. I have met a lot of great people through blogging :)
This is a great post! It's so shady that some of your readers will use your name when they contact a company saying you sent them! I've been blogging now for almost a yr and I freaking love it so so bad lol!
ReplyDeleteGreat post dear. Very truly said..It seems everyone has a blog nowadays. Its fun to connect with so many people. Competition always improves the quality :-)
YES. I've felt this way about blogging for a while. Since everyone has one, it's really hard to have time to visit every blog you love. And, like you, I feel that a lot of blogs are really fake. Too many people write crap and stuff it with keywords in an attempt to get rich.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who has the STUPIDEST blog because she heard that you could make money — but all she does is write about her mundane days (or stir the pot with controversial posts) and put a few Google ads around the page.
My blog has gone through a lot of changes since I started it in 2008, but I'm happiest when I'm just sharing my life and not trying to impress anyone or get attention. I can't believe people are using your blog to try to get free stuff or asking you to help them make it big! You obviously work very hard on your blog, and your real personality shines through. So glad you're not a faker.
I totally agree with you, I don't have a beauty blog or have been blogging that long. But I did have a blog like 5 years ago that I had stopped but it was so different back then than it is now. I don't blog to get money or to get free stuff, I started because it was a way for me to express myself, plus I didn't see any people like me and I really do enjoy doing it. I really enjoy reading your blog because your so down to earth and you seem so sincere when I read your posts, that's why I think your different then others because they are just building up what is given to them. Keep up the good work Elle! :)
Totally agree with you. Yeah I've only just started blogging this year but I used to do stuff on the likes of LiveJournal like you but I just did it out of fun really! I've started my own blog this year for the same reason. I'm not doing it for the hopes of getting sponsored by someone or paid to blog or however you want to phrase it. It's just a genuine bit of fun for me and helps me keep up with my writing as I love writing and stuff like that. :)
I completely agree with this post! It's really a bit sickening to see bloggers that are only doing it for the fame/fuss. I was SO disappointed recently when a blogger I was following stole a photo from my favourite blogger. Do people really think we as readers and fellow bloggers can't tell? Gee.
Lots of great points!! Thank you for sharing what you've learned along the way!