This year I decided to stop apologizing for certain things in my life. For example, a few months ago I wrote a post on Why I Take Selfies--please read it if you haven't. And this time around I'm talking about sponsored posts. I feel like there isn't enough discussion on this. If seeing the phrase, "this post is sponsored by___" makes you roll your eyes, please allow me to share my perspective.
My Blog is Free:
Daily I get bombarded with Instagram accounts or emails wanting me to "try that crazy wrap thing," to shop their closet, buy this miracle skincare product, buy that mascara, purchase their homemade jewelry, or whatever the hot product is at the moment. And that is perfectly fine--it's a business and they want to earn money. But when I share a post on my social media, I'm the bad guy because I'm promoting my blog? Not fair.
I have a blog that is FREE! You don't have to pay to see it. I'm not asking you to buy anything--just to take a few moments out of your day to read/watch. I've had 2 readers tell me they started businesses using my DIYs or based on one of my posts. I've shared over 100 FREE beauty DIY products. I've shared how to get celeb hair or makeup at home--for free. I do many giveaways as a means to say "thanks" for reading/following my blog. But I'm supposed to feel badly about sponsored posts? Not anymore.
I have been blogging at Elle Sees for almost 4 years. I easily spend 10 hours a day blogging (that includes anything that concerns the blog), and that's whether it is a paid post or not. I put the same amount of time in, and I don't see anything wrong with getting paid for it. I admit in the past, I've had anxiety on doing sponsored posts. Would my readers leave? I had to let the anxiety go because I deserve a reward for that hard work. I've put in a lot of time and money, gladly, and my readers trust my opinions. I do wish I could choose the scheduling of when sponsored posts occur--sometimes they end up back-to-back, as posting dates are decided by the brands. There is no rhyme or reason to it.
I Get Paid for My Hobby (now a job):
Here's another way to think of it: What's your favorite hobby? Charlie's is sleeping! ;)
Now what if you could get paid for that hobby? Wouldn't that be great? To get paid for something you LOVE to do and have FUN doing?? I am blessed to have had that happen. I get to truly do what I love, and what I have done for years: play with beauty products and share those recommendations with my family/friends. But now it's on a larger scale (I think of y'all as my friends obv.) and I get paid for it. How awesome is that??
My Reviews Are Honest:
This post had been sitting in my draft folder for months. But when a commenter said she didn't trust sponsored reviews, I had to finish this post. I can only speak for myself, but I take my product reviews seriously, regardless of whether they are PR samples, sponsored, or purchased by me. And most of them are purchased by me. They all undergo the same thorough testing. I try to show demos to prove the products work/how to use them. Read more about my Review Policy here.
I don't accept every offer for free products or sponsored posts. And of those I do, if the product is bad quality, the company is difficult to work (I've had companies that wanted me to not state the product was free or sponsored), the company wants me to try a product once and call it a review (um NO), etc., I don't do the post. Yes, it realllllly sucks turning down money, but I refuse to lie about a product that I wouldn't purchase myself. I don't want you wasting your money and losing your trust. Now is there a miracle product that will work for everyone? No, but I stand by what I share. In fact, one of my style blogger friends jokes that if she sees a lot of beauty bloggers doing sponsored posts on a certain product and I'm not, then it must not be good! ;)
Sponsored Posts Have Always Been There (and are here to stay):
Bloggers have been doing sponsored posts for years. You just didn't know it. This was before FTC guidelines, of course. Bloggers were sent products for free or for pay, and they never had to say a thing. Luckily, around 4 years or so, the FTC saw a means to put an end to all of that, with the rules changing all the time. Did you know that you need to have a disclosure at the beginning of the post? Yes! I still see it on the bottom from some of the Big Bloggers. Anyway, back to the story:
Having ads on your sidebar was THE way to earn money on your blog a few years ago, since most kept the sponsored product placement to themselves. But brands quickly caught on that no one looks at the sidebar ads (these are still profitable, but not as popular as they used to be), and they wanted a way to stand out and focus the attention on their product(s). Enter the sponsored post. And sponsored posts aren't going anywhere.
Now, not everyone follows the rules. Some bloggers/vloggers still don't. YouTube has a button to click for "paid product placement" and apparently there needs to be no mention in the video or the info box. I find that misleading. But I believe in being 100% transparent with my readers on sponsorship. If a post or video is sponsored, you know right from the beginning. And you know you can believe me.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. Your visits are my favorite!
Amen. I feel the same way. As long as you're honest I see nothing wrong with sponsored posts.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this info. I have been putting my disclose at the bottom.
ReplyDeleteI get where you are coming from and what it comes down to is that this is YOUR blog and you can do whatever you are comfortable with.
ReplyDeleteI completely understand where you are coming from. When it comes down to it, this is YOUR blog and you have to be happy & comfortable with what you post. That's what matters.
ReplyDeleteElle, it's your blog, so I totally agree when you said you're not gonna apologize for what you do here. You shouldn't! It's your own space!
ReplyDeleteAnd I do always appreciate the honesty when bloggers state that a post is sponsored. It's those that are not upfront about it that bug me.
Thanks again for this insight.
the way i see it, how one manages their blog is totally up to them and it's up to us as readers to follow/read or move on. there are some posts on other blogs that i don't care for so i just move along and come back another day; not a big deal.
ReplyDeleteno blogger should apologize for their content or format of their posts because no blogger is forcing any reader to read it!
so do your thang, girl!
-kathy | Vodka and Soda
If you could only hear me applauding! Not everyone likes my blogging style or my posts or even my blog in general...but it's mine and I take great pride in everything I do. Whether I'm blogging about photoshoots, makeup, accessories, etc., it's important for me to be thorough and truthful about everything. The only thing I apologize about is sometimes making a post too long! :)
DeleteIt's your blog girl! I saw this floating across my Timeline and though, why is she explaining herself. I think you did well though but honestly if folks look at blogs they are looking to keep up, see reviews, and they have to know that folks can't buy all this stuff, pay for blog upkeep, and do all of this out of pocket and never get anything in return. You look like you're doing a great job here.
ReplyDeleteGood for you! Great post and I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am in the same position and I don't work with products or brands I have no interest in or don't make sense for the blog and I ALWAYS disclose so I'm definitely in full support :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you made this post. There are so many haters out there that no matter what you do they will always find something to be negative about. This is your blog your free to do whatever you like and people who don't blog don't really understand the work that goes into it.
I'm glad Elle said it too. You're absolutely right about people who don't blog not understanding how long and hard the process actually is. It's very time consuming. There's so much involved in just one post! Many people won't subscribe to my blog probably because it's not strictly makeup...but I won't change how or what I blog about. It's mine. Like it or lump it I say! ;)
DeleteGood point! I don't see anything wrong with sponsored posts, especially when they naturally flow with the blogger's regular posts and personality. The eye rolls come in to play when it sounds like a total commercial and completely interrupts the regular flow of the posts you love by the blogger! Like currently it's Biore on every single blog on the interwebs this week. And when it pops up on a fashion blog that never talks about products it's really obvious and you start questioning the genuinity of the blog!
ReplyDeleteI am fine with sponsored posts and I do them on my blog as well. The only time I have a problem with them is when it's for a product that is really outside the realm of the blogger's usual content. Then it seems like the post is not genuine.
The Tiny Heart
Cookbook Giveaway!
I think a savvy reader can tell the difference between a responsible and an irresponsible sponsored post. I like sponsored posts because it helps me learn about new products out there!
ReplyDeleteThis was a great, well-written read, and I agreed with all of your sentiments! I've always been wary of doing sponsored posts as a blogger, but you're right... I put so many hours and so much hard work into this blog, and spend a lot of money on clothes and makeup, so I shouldn't feel guilty for being compensated from time to time! That being said, I am very selective about sponsored posts and featured products, because I want my blog to be authentic. Sponsored posts on other blogs have never bothered me as long as they're disclosed, and I often find them informative as long as they're integrated naturally and feel honest.
ReplyDeleteI think you're doing a great job, and I'm excited for you that you're experiencing so much success through your blog!
I have no problem with sponsored posts as long as it fits with the blog and blogger. I don't like it when style bloggers receive clothes just to style and send back. I feel that doesn't make for an honest review because you don't really get a feel. Just like only using a product once. I appreciate how transparent you are with your readers with your reviews and sponsored posts! That's why I trust your content!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree and you made so many excellent points! I think they are fine as long as they are disclosed and the sponsor is related to the blogger's content!
ReplyDeleteFor me it doesn't matter if a post is sponsored or not, as long as you give an honest and balanced review of the product :o) Xx
ReplyDeleteMakeup by Candlelight
I don't mind your sponsored posts! I get a little bummed sometimes when a product sounds AMAZING, but I can't afford it. It's your blog, and you put so much effort into it. You deserve to make a little money off it!
ReplyDeleteLove it! I don't blame you for doing them and personally it is a way for me, to find a honest review on a product!
ReplyDeleteI love your reviews because I can tell you actually do research and like you said, you're honest....it's exactly why I ran to Target and bought the Jergen's BB body cream yesterday!
ReplyDeleteI love your reviews! You've had many great tips! I say it's your blog so you can cry if you want to (well not really but you know what I mean) - no apologies necessary!
ReplyDeleteThis a great post, Elle- and makes perfect sense. Blogging is a hobby first, but it also takes time AND money, and sponsored posts can help support it (without costing your users anything). And I've always found you to be a very honest blogger; I never question your reviews. I know you're telling me the straight up truth. :)
Great post. I totally agree, nothing wrong with sponsored post if you're honest!
ReplyDeleteGood for you making this post. I never found your sponsored posts to seem misleading. You read them and you can tell they're written by you. They're not a canned speech given to you by a manufacturer for sure. Maybe it's not something I would want to get into myself (I would love to be paid for my hobby, but so many rules!) but I totally respect all the work YOU do to make sure things are done as honestly and correctly as you can.
ReplyDeleteYou are one of VERY few people whose sponsored posts I actually read. You can tell that you do your homework and aren't just slapping up a review of something to get the free product. I think that's pretty easy to tell and it makes ALL the difference!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe main thing I take from this is that I really don't understand why someone wants to give you a hard time for doing sponsored posts. Your blog is your personal platform. And if a company wants to advertise on it, and you like the company, then it makes perfect sense to collaborate. It's a blog and it's a business. And as long as you're honest about that then it really shouldn't matter. Great post!
ReplyDeleteHow well timed! I've been bouncing around the idea of monetizing for months now and I've closed the window on my Adsense application twice in the last two days, lol. As far as sponsored posts go, I skip reading or watching them, but that said, I certainly wouldn't be above doing them, myself. I think making the decision to monetize your blog is a big one (sort of akin to an indie band signing with a major record label, sort of, lol) but making money on something you spend so much time on certainly is intriguing. It's just another direction to grow in, if you see fit :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with you Elle. As much as I love sponsored posts, I only choose to review products I write and am honest about them. At the same time, I like to blog about things I love in general too. I've had people ask me things like - 'do you ever buy any clothes? I'm sure your whole closet is gifted.' And I find things like that very offensive because that's not how blogging works. We don't blog to get freebies, we blog because we love it and we're passionate about it.
I definitely trust your reviews. And I think it's great that you've been able to make this a job.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more! There is nothing wrong with earning money or free products in doing what you love most! I believe that people do think that we take up every offer that comes our way, but they don't see the various emails and inquiries we get. I'm all about only sharing what I love and believe in!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your post! You shouldn't feel bad about doing sponsored posts!! I feel bad that you feel the need to defend your self. If any one gives you crap for it, just know that they are jealous that they aren't getting sent products from companies or that they aren't sucessful enough with their own blog to do so!
ReplyDeleteNice post! It's great that you give your honest opinions about products!
ReplyDeleteI like this post. And you should never feel bad for sponsored post. I do them. And you reminded me I need to mention when I am at the top of the post. I usually do on the bottom. Oops.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy reading your reviews!
LOVE this! so refreshing to have an honest talk about sponsored posts. we all do it -- i love bloggers who abide by the FTC guidelines and let readers know when something is sponsored. im so happy for you that youre doing what you love and getting paid to do it! :):) keep doing your thing, and i will keep reading this blog! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteI mean honestly you are living the dream! I get so annoyed when people get mad in the comments of sponsored posts, I think that if you don't like it you don't need to read it! There is no reason to spread negativity because someone is doing their job
Keep up the good work, Elle! xoxo
ReplyDeleteNice post. Love your honest reviews :)
You go, girl! Thank you for this post and for your honesty!
Girl, I am so okay with this. I think it's great that you found a way to monetize your blog. And I appreciate your honesty and that you won't give a fake review!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem at all with sponsored posts, especially when people are upfront about it and do an honest review!
ReplyDeleteElle, as a longtime reader, I've loved seeing your blog grow and evolve! (The redesign/new layout looks truly fantastic, btw!) I think it's awesome that you're able to earn a living doing something you truly enjoy. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeletehere, here, sister! nothing wrong with sponsored posts. people might not understand that perks come with a price....and that price is countless late nights writing, editing photos, researching, testing product, etc. my only issue is when majority of the posts are sponsored...i like to see personal posts thrown in the mix, because ultimately i'm visiting a person's blog for THEM.
ReplyDeleteExcellent topic Elle, I think Bloggers need sponsored posts as an extra income or if you're doing it full time, as a means of support, don't ever feel guilty because your reviews are always 100% honest and not biased. I appreciate your comment hun...Have a great Friday!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you posted this. I was a bit anxious about sponsored content myself but then I realized how short I was selling myself. A lot of work goes into testing a product, photographing, writing about it and promoting it. Like you, I am very honest in my experiences. I did a sponsored post that a company wasn't happy with and they asked me to change it. I flat out refused. Keep doing what you're doing because it's great!
ReplyDeleteKeep doing what you do! I enjoy reading it all--sponsored and non-sponsored! :) T. http://tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteCelebrities get free perks all the time. I don't know why people give bloggers such a hard time. We're not rich. You know I'm highly selective when I choose brands to work with! I'm like you. I can't use a product just one time and then give a review. That doesn't make sense. You have to really test it and give your honest opinion. You do that Elle! That's why people respect you. They respect me, because I tell it like it is. When you stop doing that, it's all over with.
I agree with you. As my blog is fairly new, I have not had much paid offers but when I do, they are all my opinions. I believe in honesty and that is what I will tell my readers.
ReplyDeleteDo you Elle, You don't have to explain yourself to anyone or be bothered by what they say.
This is why you are such an amazing blogger-- you are 100% honest. Most big bloggers wouldn't ever publicly put out there what you just did! You are awesome! Let the haters hate ;)
ReplyDeletexox- becky
Words of wisdom my dear, it's so true what you have written!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog because it's always honest, in reviews and in what you say... Keep going babeeeeeeeee <3
I'd love to be paid to sleep, maybe me and your doggie Charlie could invent a business :DDD
I agree with you completely. I see no harm in doing sponsored post as long as you, as a blogger is honest and the product you talk about fits the theme and aesthetics of the blog. I feel that, in reality, this is a positive thing - you earn some money for your time and effort and your readers learn something new.
I see no problem doing sponsored post as long as the review is 100% honest :) keep up the good work girl :) !! xx
Thank you for your honesty. I don't have a problem with sponsored posts as long as they are genuine. Too often bloggers' posts are filled with c/o items, affiliate links, and sponsored posts that the blogger is lost to their readers. The stuff they keep and review is stuff they'd never normally buy (and we never see again).
ReplyDeleteI might be suspicious of your sponsored posts if you gushed about the products in all of them... but you don't. You don't always love the products and you say so. That's how I know I can trust you. I don't like seeing a bunch of sponsored content posts in a row, but I don't have an issue with them in general. Just keep doing your thing, Elle. :)
ReplyDeleteI think you do a great job with your sponsored posts and if you can get paid for all the work you put into your blog more power to you! You review the good and the bad and you do your homework, no hating here girl!
ReplyDeleteVery well stated! I have no problem at all with sponsored posts. How else will you learn about a new product? You are right sponsored posts are everywhere in the blog/youtube community. I say keep doing what you are doing. I enjoy reading/seeing what you have to share :)
ReplyDeleteI don't really mind sponsor posts. I would do it myself, but I hadn't really had the opportunity yet. Sometimes the posts are boring, sometimes not but if you can make money for it and spend it on other things towards the blog, it's a win-win for everyone!
ReplyDeleteI have absolutely no problem with sponsored posts. It's an interesting way to learn about new products I otherwise would probably never hear about, and it allows you to earn money — which you totally deserve! I also admire you for being totally honest about the products you review and not just posting any old thing because you're being paid to. You do your homework and tell people whether you'd really recommend a product. So don't worry about the haters! Keep bringing on the sponsored posts and furthering this blog's success. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved this blog post! Having a blog has become such a passion/hobby of mine. If you can get paid to do what you love, then all the power to you, because it is you who will be happy!
girl, I always love your honestly on things like this. you produce some of the best content out there & I'm happy you're able to do what you love! keep it up :)
ReplyDeletetotally agree. it's just difficult finding companies who are willing to do sponsored posts for a reasonable price
ReplyDeleteElle I totally agree with you, if your a beauty blogger if its a PR sample or you purchased it your going to give your honest and full opinion You go girl, for being up front and honest and shutting down the haters 2 snaps snaps girl. LOL xoxo Cyndi cdelbeauty.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI knew IFB choose your post. It's such a great topic and so well written!
ReplyDeleteFleur d'Elise
I think newer 'bloggers' are the ones mostly complaining about sponsored posts. I'm thinking it is a little bit of the green monster of jealousy peaking through. But you are getting paid to do what you love. It doesn't get any better. Don't ever apologize for doing what you love. I'm so glad I found your blog through IFB. :)
Maggie A
I don't see anything wrong with sponsored posts!
New post ~ http://smilerrr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/kiko-full-protection-foundation-stick.html