
Product Test Drive: Hot Dog Flavored Chips

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, those are Hot dog-flavored chips (crisps if you're not from the States). Oh, I am a sucker for weird snacks from around the world (see sideways shot of an Australian vending machine below, taken last summer) and always hit up a grocery store to browse. Chicken-flavored potato chips, anyone? Chocolate-covered ants?
So when I saw the Hot Dog chips at Big Lots for $1, I knew they were to be mine. And how were they? They. tasted. like. hot. dogs. It was weird and unexpected. Usually when I try weird snacks, they sorta taste like what they advertise. But this delivers, so if you, uh, have a hot dog (beef dogs only for me, please) hankering, check 'em out. They will not be on the Elle's Essentials list, however!


  1. Hot Dog Flavored chips? Wow, I'm not sure how I feel about that! :)

  2. ok this is crazy. How interesting. Not sure I would want to eat these though! :)

  3. Hahahha they really tasted like hot dog? hahah..I have to try those...My fav are onion chips (Lay's)
    Thanks for that...Hmmm now I will be thinking about them all day...hahaha
    Kisses my lovely:)

  4. Really? Hot dog? I usually want to have chips or fries when I eat hot dog.. Hmm very interesting!


  5. oh my goodness, this is so BIZARRE! have you hear of baconnaise? well, somehow it's vegan and a TOTAL godsend in my little vegan life, so maybe i need to check the ingredient list on these....who knows, maybe a new vegan fave?


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