
ELLE OH ELLE: Sweet Flash Mob

Every now and again, Elle Sees posts a video that's funny/amazing/sweet just for you. Enjoy!

Usually, I've seen flash mobs do dances or publicity stunts, but this was just sweet! Maybe it's because I had been bawling my eyes out watching The Time Travelers Wife earlier, but this video really made me smile and tear up!
Meet Mukhtar, a bus driver in Copenhagen, Denmark. It seemed like an ordinary day until he realized everyone on the bus was there to wish him a Happy Birthday. You don't need to speak Danish to understand. Enjoy!

found via Neatorama.com


  1. Ohhh so cool...I love it:) Look at his face when he realized what is going on:)
    So cute!
    Kisses and thanks so much for putting a smile on my face!

  2. How cool!!!! Thanks for sharing!


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