
Skip These 7 Beauty Buys

skip these beauty buys

First up, I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes! I had a great weekend full of love and celebration. In addition to birthday shenanigans, including a trip to Oktoberfest in Helen, GA, we hit up some drug stores for makeup. I swear drugstores in smaller towns have a better makeup selection. It's a must when I travel. While strolling up and down the aisles, I was giving my friends recommendations, when I got asked what I didn't recommend. And I thought I'd share 7 beauty buys that I skip after wasting lots of money and time:

beauty products to skip

1-Multicolor blush/bronzer/powder/highlighter

  • These come in a different patterns, like triangles, mosaic, words, shapes, etc, and are swirled together with a brush to apply to the face.
  • Unless each area is big enough for a brush (eye shadows are the exception, usually) I say skip these. It looks like you're getting 3 or more colors in 1 product, but most are impossible to use individually.
2-Covergirl Cheekers Blush

  • I LOVE the CG brand, and these blushes win awards yearly for best drugstore blush. I can't figure out why.
  • I say skip these because the product amount isn't big enough for a blush brush to fit in to grab product, and the colors aren't pigmented enough and/or chalky. 
3-Cream or Gel Blush for Oily Skin
  • If you have oily skin, these products will disappear unless you set them with a matching blush, which kind of defeats the point of the ease and natural look of gel or cream blush.
  • In terms of staying power, there are way more misses than hits for these. I do like Revlon's version (pricey, but it's good).
4-Lip Tints and Balms in Pots/Tins
  • 100% all me here--I can't stand putting my fingers in these pots or tins or containers. This was the main reason why I came up with my DIY solid perfume idea. The germs, y'all. The germs. The stickiness. The fuzz and other stuff that dirties it. The extra product I have to wipe away and waste. I cannot deal. #weirdo
5-Double Ended Brushes
  • Another product designed to save you money and space, right? While the brushes may be of excellent quality, I store my brushes upright, so I always forget what is on the other end. 
6-Travel Brushes
  • Any sort of mini or travel-sized brush always ends up being a waste of money for me, no matter the quality. I always get frustrated and wish I had my full-sized brushes instead. I do find that they are great for kids and sometimes nail art.
7-Cheap Makeup Sponges
  • When I hear the word "dupe" I tend to throw a side-eye, and have found that for most every makeup sponge bloggers swear is a "dupe" for the beauty blender, they're aren't even close. Most of these have latex, are really hard, and perform nothing like a beauty blender. I do like versions from Real Techniques and Soho Beauty.

Which beauty buys do you skip?

PS: I am slowly catching up on emails and visiting your blogs, so I'll be stopping by soon!


  1. Glad you had an amazing birthday weekend with your girls, sounds like the perfect getaway! And I always felt that way about double sided brushes too, great tips gurlie <3

    Green Fashionista

  2. Hope you had a good birthday weekend. My favorite brush is double sided. Ha! I don't like the tins either it is so hard to get product out of it.

  3. ah i'm glad you had a great birthday chica! and i agree about drugstores in offbeat places - they always have a bit more! happy monday :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. I'm with you on things in tins or pots! Do not want to stick my germy finger in there over and over again. Glad your birthday was fun!

  5. I totally agree with you on the sponges thing, nothing beats a beauty blender x

    Zoe Mountford x

  6. Glad that your birthday weekend was great!
    I never thought about the germs that go along with applying lip products that come in tins...I'm steering clear of those for sure!

  7. It was yesterday, and I am wishing a great birthday for a week, but on Sunday - the real deal :) I wasn't on the computer :) So nice belated birthday wishes! I didn't know about double ended brushes! Well, I would have liked if I saw them, but now that you suggest to avoid them, good - sparing money!Thank you for that!

  8. Glad you had a great birthday weekend, lady! Happy belated, indeed.

    Thanks for the tips on these products. I have only found ONE set of travel make up brushes that I love. Randomly bought them from target and they are awesome.

  9. These are excellent! Thanks for the tips! And happy belated birthday!

  10. I've always wondered if those multi-colored blushes/bronzers were worth purchasing, because they're usually so pretty : ) Good to know!

  11. Guilty! #1! I buy the multi colored bronzer. Doh! I will change that! Thanks for the tips!

  12. I totally agree with the multicolor blush/bronzer! I can't tell you how many times I have bought these hoping for a better outcome. They just don't work well! Hope you have a great start to the week, Elle!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  13. Glad you had a fun birthday weekend! I don't like the lipgloss pots either and agree, too many germs! The beauty blender is definitely worth the price versus the dupes that don't give the same results.

    Doused In Pink

  14. Hey, now I can say Happy Birthday, a day late but not almost a week early lol. It is good to read the negative reviews, not just the good ones. Thanks for sharing. I myself do not understand the point of travel brushes or the cheap makeup sponges - I splurge on these myself since they go straight to my face plus my fingers touch them.

    Happy Monday after your birthday! <3 Ada.

  15. Completely agree on all of these! I do love cream blushes personally, but my skin isn't too oily. I love the ones from Sonia Kashuk and also the NARS multiples!

  16. You're so spot on with the whole germs thing! I love this post and I agree with so much of it except I have been loving little pots of Carmax to keep my lips moist overnight since I was in high school so that's about the only place where I go against the grid! Especially do not like cheap make up sponges, they fall apart so quickly. So happy you had a lovely birthday weekend beautiful!

  17. Glad to hear you had a great birthday! Happy Belated Birthday! I totally agree about the beauty blender. There is nothing like it, nothing works as well as that one does. I do like travel size brushes, only because I have small hands and find that some of them work better for me than the bigger ones. But I hate the tiny travel brushes, those are worthless.

  18. I am probably the only girl in the world who does not care for the beauty blender. I got myself right away the original one but I hate it because I am so scared of germs. Never use it lol. xoxo, Sissi www.beauty4free2u.com

  19. I'm totally with you - I hate putting my fingers in things &then putting near my mouth. I mean, I walk around covering my face half of winter due to germs... don't want to bring it right up to my lips.

  20. I agree on a lot of those, especially the pots of lip balm! Way too many germs, and it becomes pretty messy.

  21. So glad to hear you have a great birthday celebration, Elle! And I was hinting of investing in a travel size makeup brushes for my travel next year but after reading this, I think I'll suck it up and just bring my usual.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  22. Sounds like you had such a great birthday weekend!!!! I agree, I am not a fan of those CG blushes nor do I like dupes for the beauty blender. There is no comparison! I hate that my favorite lip product, Vaselines Rosy lips, is in a container but I buy it because I love it and it works amazingly. I only use it right after I wash my face in the morning and evening so I feel it is cleaner that way. I would never keep one of those tins in my purse. I also do not like travel size brushes. They are never the same feel/quality as full size for me.

  23. It's true - the lip balm in pots can be ugh and I didn't get the Dior lip balm for that reason!\

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  24. I have to agree with you on the makeup sponges, they are nowhere close to a real makeup blender!


  25. I totally agree with the double ended brushes. Seems like such a good idea, but they are hard to store!

  26. I agree with skipping on most of these. Esp the travel brushes and double sides brushes. Im also not a fan of cream blushes or the highlighers/sectioned off eye palettes.

  27. How did you know I was just looking at cheap makeup sponges this past weekend? I didn't purchase and now I'm glad I didn't. Eek!

  28. Girl, I feel you on number 4. I hate sticking my finger in something to put it on. And think about what you last touched before sticking your finger in there. Ew. Glad you had a great birthday weekend! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  29. Just wanna say happy bday again, my dear:) And lists like this are just as important as to-buy ones. It really helps us when we go makeup shopping. TY, Elle:)

  30. Happy belated birthday Elle I hope it was a good one!! Thanks for this--knowing which things to skip is just as helpful as knowing what to buy! I'm with you on lip balm/gloss in a tin--I hate sticking my fingers in there too!

  31. Thanks for all the tips! I agree with you on travel brushes. It isn't hard to travel with normal brushes and it isn't like they are big!

  32. I love these kinds of posts almost as much as the ones to buy! I agree travel brushes are always a skip for me as well!

  33. AMEN to the potted lip balm!!! I hate the idea of constantly putting my fingers in there over and over!! :(

    Melissa | So About What I Said

  34. I do use a pot of lip balm but its chocolate from the Body Shop and worth the germs. I do cringe when someone else uses it, though. And the combo blush/highligher/concealor palettes are too much for me. I'd rather just buy individual ones.

    Glad you had a great birthday!

  35. Ooh maybe that's why I didn't just love the knock off "beauty blender" from Target. Maybe I need to try the real thing!

  36. Ick, I hear ya on those germs. That would freak me out too.

  37. I agree with you on all of these, especially the lip pots and double ended brushes.

  38. Thanks for sharing these products that will waste my time. I love saving time! I agree that the dupes for the beauty blender don't usually work. I use the Real Techniques one everyday and found that the durability is just like the Beauty Blender. :)


  39. I hate putting my fingers in tins too!! Those multi-colored powders never appealed to me either :/

  40. Ew I am SO with you on sticking my hands into containers for lip balm! Actually, anything really. Besides a few Body Shop body butters, and my sleep mask, I don't have a lot of products that involve dipping my hands into them. It really really grosses me out.

    I agree with you on the travel brushes too. I recently threw a ton of them away. We mean well right? haha

    I hate those Rimmel cream blushes. The name escapes me right now, but they are terrible. Total miss for me. I was also a bit disappointed in the L'Oreal liquid highlighter. I purchased the rose gold shade, and maybe it's my skin color, but it completely disappears on my skin.

  41. i seriously do not understand the multi colour palette thingys. or the double ended brushes. they make no sense! haha. glad i'm not alone.

  42. You always have the best tips and secrets Elle! :)

    Xo Ally


  43. Ugh I don't like dipping my finger into gloss either! I don't really get the point of those. Why even continue making them?!

  44. Great post Elle...sometimes I can't figure out for the life of me why certain products win awards every year either!

  45. I'm glad you had a nice birthday celebration!! And I always find myself going into drugstores when I'm traveling because I want to look and see if they have things I can't find at home. I agree with double ended brushes since I story mine up right too, and I definitely stay away from cheap 'dupe' sponges!

  46. Your have a good point with the double sided brushes! Also good to know about the makeup sponges. I've seen the cheaper versions around and was tempted to give them a try.

  47. I always skip out on mini brushes or double ended brushes- I never think it is worth the money!

    A Little Dose of Makeup

  48. I used to use the CG blush, but I discovered much, much better blush!
    Sincerely, Sara

  49. I'm with you on things you have to stick your finger in!!! I only use them at home.

  50. I've stopped trying the drugstore versions of the beauty blender. They are all hard and not so worth it. Thanks for sharing!


  51. I agree ur with ur opinion on travel sized make up brushes.. they don't work.. Thanks fr sharing

  52. Happy belated birthday! Glad you had a great day.

    I've always wondered about those mixed color bronzers. I won't bother spending money on them.

  53. I hear you on the lip balm in tins but I just can't bring myself to quit them.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  54. Very true, cream blushes look very bad for oily skin. I think powders can be skipped sometimes if one uses good setting sprays


  55. First of all, happy belated birthday, lady! :)

    And I totally agree re: double-ended brushes. Unless you're going to leave 'em in one of those roll-up pouches where both ends are protected, you're going to end up destroying one end!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  56. I'm glad you had a good birthday!
    For me, nothing compares to my beloved Beauty Blender. I don't thin there is any dupe out there for it. I've gone through too many Real Technique Miracle Complexion sponges in such a short time, whereas I still have my original Beauty Blender I originally bought, over 2 years ago.


  57. Happy birthday! I'm glad you had a great weekend celebration! My mom's birthday was also on Sunday. Thank you very much for your recommendations! I'll skip these products.


  58. Glad to hear you had such a lovely time! And yes, agree on brushes and lip stuff in tins - I am using lipsticks that come in pots, but only because there's no alternative to those specific ones. :( I am 100% a lipstick in a tube kind of girl, forever and ever. :)

  59. I'm glad you had a great birthday! I love that you did a post about what to avoid. I definitely agree with lip balms in a tin!


  60. Totally agree about travel brushes! I never reach for them, and almost forget I even own them so they just sit somewhere and collect dust!

  61. LOVE that you put a twist on a post like this. I feel like sometimes learning what NOT to buy is more important than what is to buy.

    ​​xx katie // A Touch of Teal

  62. LOVE this post! So smart! I'm all about the regret purchases especially when it comes to beauty buys, the low cost makes it all so affordable but adds up when you don't even use it! Genius!

    Thank you for visiting my blog sweets, would love to get your thoughts on my latest!

    Xx- Julie

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  63. There were a few beauty blenders I tried and they weren't the best, but I still haven't gotten around to purchasing the actual beauty blender.

  64. 1 & 5 = YES! I get into the most trouble when I think I'm trying to do something that I'm going to save money on and with these two items, it just doesn't ever work.

    7% Solution

  65. I totally agree about the multicolor makeup products. I skip buying those for the same reasons you listed!

    Sartorial Diner

  66. I have a travel brush and forget to take them with me.


  67. Glad you had a good birthday! I agree with you on these!

  68. I so agree with you when it comes to double end brushes...I always store my brushes upright so what's the point? One end will always get flattened. :/

  69. I really like the Real Techniques "beauty blender"! But it is hard to beat the original!


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