
Rants + Raves

WAIT! Before I begin, have you checked out these 2 ElleSees posts below?

None :)

  • So I didn't make the finals of the Pond's BB Cream Ambassador contest, but I did get a consolation prize! I learned a lot from being in the contest, and am glad for the experience. Thanks for the love and support! :)
  • I'm finally over this kidney mess. Again, thanks for the sweet thoughts/prayers. It's nice to be back to normal and to drink something other than water 24/7.
  • I had a couple of days off from work, so that was a welcomed break. I actually sat down, had coffee, and got caught up on my magazines. That never happens!
  • This weekend it felt like autumn outside. I loved it and had the door open during the day. Autumn is my favorite season, and it was a nice reprieve from the heat!
  • I also wanted to the thank the Dating Divas for giving me a shout out! 
How was your weekend? 
What are your rants + raves of the past week?

PS: Just in case you missed it the first time! ;)


  1. great to hear all the good news!


  2. Really glad to know that you're doing so well!!!


  3. Glad you're doing better Elle! You're lucky it's starting to feel like fall where you live because where I am, it's still really hot!

  4. No rants?! How unusual: it seems everyone I know is stressed and ranting these days. Lucky you. :)

  5. So glad you're feeling better -- and that you had some time off and could take it easy! By the way, I bought the peach Baby Lips, and I LOVE it. Great recommendations! Everything I've bought that you've reviewed and loved has been awesome. :)

  6. I am glad that you are feeling better!

    xo Michelle

  7. It's good to read that you're feeling better! And that you got a little early fall weather (jealous).

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  8. Aw I'm sorry you didn't make the finalists for the Pond's... I voted and voted! Glad you are feeling better :)

  9. awesome that you dont have any rants and glad that your kidney bidness is all sorted out.

    Vodka and Soda

  10. yay for no rants! have a great week!

  11. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! The past week has been like fall here, too, and after all the heat and humidity, I've loved it.

  12. So glad to hear you are on the mend! Sorry you didn't make the final in the Ponds contest. My rants are my neighbours are driving me nuts! My rave is I have a few days away with my hubby coming up, a very welcome break :) x

  13. Aw man! Sorry you didn't win but so glad to hear your kidneys are feeling better!! :D

  14. i'm glad you're feeling better, Elle! I was so glad for the cooler weather too!


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)