
DIY: Easter Egg Bath Bombs For Kids

This idea was born from a need to find an alternative to chocolate/candy in Easter baskets. I'm a nanny, and like to make treats for the kids, but not all parents allow candy, or some kids are allergic. This idea has always been a winner. Sure, I could put something in a plastic egg, but I wanted to make it a little more fun. Even if you don't celebrate Easter, you can still use this idea! Read on and enjoy these Easter Egg Bath Bombs:

  • large plastic eggs 
  • 2 c baking soda
  • 1/2 c cream of tartar
  • witch hazel
  • soap colorant (optional)
  • small toys, trinkets (be sure the toy is not a choking hazard)

Mix the baking soda and cream of tartar in a glass bowl.

Add several drops of the soap colorant (this won't stain like food coloring will) and mix. 
If you can use a hand mixer, it will make the process go by much faster. 
Otherwise, mix by hand for about 5 minutes until the color starts to show.

Slowly spray or drizzle witch hazel until the mix starts to stick to itself. 
If you spray too much, the mix will instantly dissolve. 
Pack the mixture into the bottom part of the egg. 

I like using bigger plastic eggs because you can fit a larger toy inside, 
as opposed to the regular size. 
These can be purchased at a craft store or Target, Walmart, etc.
Mix the toy(s) into the top part of the egg. Do not put the egg together yet.
Since both halves will be full, they will balance on their own. 
You can also use an egg carton to store them.

Once they have set for about 10 minutes, 
carefully place the smaller bottom on top of the other half. 
Remove the mold for the smaller half (as pictured).
This will have the egg drying upside down, 
with the top exposed and the rest of the egg in the mold.
Allow it to air dry at least over night.
Carefully remove from the mold and place in the basket once dry. 
You can also wrap it in plastic if you'd like.
This yields about 4 empty eggs or around 3 filled eggs.

  • To keep it kid-friendly, I don't use citric acid or cornstarch in this recipe, like in traditional bath bombs. Some kids (like me!) have reactions to citric acid. Also, cornstarch can be an irritant in the bath for girls. The eggs won't fizz, but they will dissolve slowly. 
  • I've never had kids react to the soap colorant, but avoid if allergic. I've found most boys don't mind if there's color or not!
  • If necessary, leave instructions with parent(s) about the eggs, so they'll know what it does/what's inside.
  • Please be sure to use toys that are not choking hazards for the child's age or that they're supervised. 
  • This is a great idea to get reluctant bath takers (we all know kids who hate baths!) into the tub, at least for a few minutes!
  • You don't have to use this in the bath! I've pretended that it was a "fossilized" egg and we didn't put it into the water. Instead, we got out our "tools" and dug into it, looking for the dinosaur/snake/alligator, etc. Popsicle sticks make great "tools." 
  • I've also put "treasure" inside, and had kids dig for it and then chip away or put into water. 
  • You don't have to use this just for Easter. Use this idea on a rainy day, or one of those days when it's too hot to go outside. 
  • Sometimes, when visiting relatives, the relatives are older and might not have toys for the kids to play with (or the houses aren't kid-friendly). Instead of handing them the Ipad for entertainment, I've packed a few for trips, giving kids something to do.   
  • Feel free to use a different-shaped mold instead. For example, I use clear, plastic ornaments
  • Don't feel the need to purchase toys/trinkets. I've added toys they already had, like from Happy Meals, or ones they don't play with very often. They've love the surprise of it. I've used plastic jewelry, animals, robots, cars, 
  • For older girls, you can skip the prize inside, if you like. I've used this idea for a Spa Day for a girl's birthday party.
  • Add essential oils for scent. You can also mix in body glitter (not gel). I've even added a small, wrapped votive candle (ask parents first if needed).
  • Kids love to help make these, and for kids that like to help bake, this is a nice alternative.
  • An idea ALL ages will like: wrap money in plastic wrap (or a tiny plastic bag) and seal with tape.


  1. Great ideas :) It is time for me to make something like this.

  2. Off to make similar Easter Eggs. Have a sweet weekend;-)

  3. This is such a cool idea Elle and I've never heard of soap colorant - nice!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  4. This is such a cute idea!

  5. I love this idea. I actually have a whole weekend off (big huge shock!) And am doing all sorts of eggs with Hylan. I think I may try these too! Hopefully a few of the eggs come out ok...I've done eggs before. If I fail, I will make bath fizzies! I can do beauty things!

  6. I'm about to make these for my friends! I love this idea.

  7. These are so cool! I'm so inspired to make them for friends and family. The Lush bath bombs are my go to for when i can't think of gift ideas, but they can be pretty expensive! This is a great idea to make on your own, all year round (filled with glitter ;) whether you have kids or not! Love it.

  8. What a great idea, they would be so fun to make.

  9. I love bath bombs for the kids but have never thought of making one myself. I've always just bought them. You make these DIYs look soooo easy:)

  10. What a fun idea!!! I'm sure the kiddos you nanny for will love it! :-)

  11. So cute, miss Elle! I am totally going to have to do this for my little neices they would LOVE it!

  12. what a super cute idea!! love it.

  13. Aww, that's such a sweet idea! I'd love to try it some time.

  14. This is the most wonderful idea! I have so many little kids in my family who will love this.

  15. These are such a great idea! I will share this with my daughters. I am sure they will love them. Hey, I guess great minds think alike about mint and peppermint foot balm, hahahahaha. Fun!!

  16. Amazing idea!!!!! These would be a great alternative to Lush's bath bombs which are pretty inexpensive! What would you suggest for making them scented bath bombs??

  17. This is such a great idea!! I'm definitely going to have to try this out for my daughter. :) thanks for sharing!
    Danielle xx

  18. Holy cuteness! I am totally going to try these for my kiddos!!

  19. Very nice (and also healthy for the kids) idea!

  20. So timely! I just did a post asking for this advice -- and you provide it. I've seen bath bombs demonstrated at LUSH and they look so cool. I never realized we could make our own. Great post.

  21. Such a great idea! I love bath bombs, this is awesome!

  22. this idea is so gorgeous <3
    Wish you a beautiful day& a great weekend!

  23. This is such a nice idea, unfortunately in my country this is not practiced, but I love your tradition.
    You have such a nice blog, I like that your articles are so diverse, I especially like the beauty ones.
    I just stopped by from Aloha Friday blog hop and I must say that I like you blog and am your newest GFC and bloglovin follower.
    If you would like to take a peek at my blog:

  24. This is such a cute idea for kids! I +1ed it on Google. Thanks for sharing.

  25. @anca, if you read the post, you'd see it is useful beyond Easter, regardless if celebrated or not.

  26. Hello from Aloha linky party :) I am your newest follower and I have enjoyed my visit.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Hugs xx

  27. This is such an awesome post, I can't wait to give it a try for my kiddos! (Aloha! from the "Aloha Friday Blog Hop"!)

  28. This is amazing!!!! Saved as favourite diy gift for kids!

  29. This is so cool, and of course, I am too lazy to make! :D

  30. How fun and easy! Thanks for a great non-candy alternative.

  31. Thanks for lending me your fashion insight, have a great week doll!

  32. have a happy easter!
    so fun!


  33. oooh this is such a cool DIY! i love the use of the plastic eggs and it is cool they are filled with something other than candy :-)

  34. Such a fun idea, I need to try this!

  35. Love, love this! Now following your blog, pinterest and twitter from the Aloha hop. would love follows back :).


  36. This is wonderful Elle, my son would love this. The kids are lucky to have you as their nanny! xoxo.

  37. This is the first time I have heard of a DIY bath bomb before. Great Idea!


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