
(Mini) Wanderlust Week: More Travel Beauty Hacks

Traveling is one of my very favorite things. Sharing my tips on ways to make life easier is another one of my very favorite things. AND I'm cramming in a couple of trips before summer ends, so I thought a quick mini Wanderlust Week is in order. 

Last year I shared my Travel Beauty Hacks, a huge list of tips and tricks I've used in my travels. I like to use hacks to save space and products while traveling. Since it was so popular, I'm sharing even more! Enjoy! 

All pics are via weheartit.com

F A C E & B O D Y

  • For exfoliating facial scrub, use a packet of sugar and 1 vitamin E capsule mixed together. Scrub away the grime and rinse. 
  • To instantly soften skin, get a cut lemon (I get mine from the hotel bar or a restaurant) and rub on elbows or knees. The rough spots will disappear, thanks to the acid in the lemon.
  • Keep facial wipes in the mini-fridge for an extra refreshing feel after a day of traveling in the heat. I've also done this with a wet washcloth. It's a great way to wake yourself up, too!
  • Use shadow or bronzer as a liner in a pinch. I've used bronzer as a shadow too.

pic of my hair

  • This is crazy, but it works! If your scalp is oily, and you're without dry shampoo, try a packet of plain oatmeal on your roots. Just massage in and brush out. And no, it doesn't leave oats in your hair.
  • Another idea born out of desperation/boredom: Tear up strips of a paper bag. Wrap around hair, like a hair roller. Roll up to ears, knot and spritz hair with water. Let dry and unwrap for instant curls.
  • Socks will curl hair too!
  • I've used mascara, shadow, and bronzer to hide my grey roots. Check out more Ways to Hide Greys here.
  • Go to the hotel (or any) restaurant. Ask for a cup of olive oil--I've never had anyone charge me for it. Heat in the microwave in your room until warm (or use one in the hotel). Pour the warm oil on your hair and wrap your hair in a towel. Leave at least 30 minutes before shampooing out.


  • Dry shampoo is not only great for second day hair, but helps take the stink out! Spray some on armpits of shirts or in stinky shoes. Let dry before wearing.
  • Use those shower caps to cover your dirty shoes! Rain, dirt, and mud happens, but that doesn't mean your clothes or suitcase should get dirty. Try it.
  • Use a razor to remove pills off of shirts/sweaters.


  • I don't usually stay in fancy pants hotel rooms that come with an Ipod player. Instead, I'll place my Ipod in an empty glass or bowl to amplify the sound. Random fact: if I stay at your house, I do this too so I can have music when showering. Weird?
  • Depending on the brand/type of deodorant you have, deodorant is great at stopping nicks from shaving.
What are your best Travel Beauty hacks?
Where did you travel this summer?

PS: Please check out past Wanderlust Weeks here. 
You'll find just about every travel tip and trick covered, with lots of links too! Have fun.


  1. Love these tips!!!


  2. This is so great - I can't believe I never thought of using dry shampoo on my clothes and shoes while travelling, that's a brilliant tip.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  3. I do that ipod-in-a-bowl trick ALL the time! Who needs speakers!?
    GREAT tips!!

  4. Really cool hacks - especially the iPod in an empty glass!

  5. I don't know that I have travel hacks, but I definitely hold onto small containers to reuse. And I often carry tea bags with me -- a great multiple purpose item!

  6. I'm leaving tomorrow and can totally use this!! :)

  7. I'll have to try that ipod trick out. I love showering with music playing.

  8. Oooh new ways to hide my grays, I love it!

  9. Okay, shower cap over the shoes?? BRILLIANT!!!!!

  10. The sheer amount of tips and how far they vary always surprise me.

  11. These are amazing tips... Will keep them in mind for my next trip!

  12. Never thought of using the dry shampoo for clothes and shoes before. Brills! :)

  13. Great tips Elle! Never thought about oatmeal in my hair instead of dry shampoo, but I'll share a tip I use whether or not I'm traveling. I use body powder (aka dusting powder) in my hair. (For traveling I always bring one of those mini things of baby powder). At home I use nicely scented powders from a perfume line, and use a big puff to put in on my roots and bangs. Then I just brush it to blend. It works really well at freshening up your hair, just like dry shampoo. I have really dark brown hair and once I brush the powder in it disappears! I love your tip about using the shower caps to cover dusty shoes.

  14. I love your hair! they look amazing! xoxo

  15. Aw I wish i had seen this post before I went on vacation, such good ideas.

  16. I love your hair tips. I'm going to remember the oatmeal one when my daughter's hair starts getting oily.

  17. really nice tips!!


  18. Love love love these tips! I will have to try the oatmeal trick!

  19. These tips are amazing, Elle! Sometimes I wonder how you come up with these, but I'm so grateful for you sharing them.

  20. These tips are awesome! Thanks for sharing them. There are some things on here that I never would have thought to do, but they are so genius.

  21. Awesome tips! Thanks for sharing, so helpful!!

  22. Love the hair tips! I am looking into all the uses of oatmeal on hair right now and my favorite way to moisturize my hair currently is by using olive oil!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

    p.s. I am now following your blog! Love it!

  23. I love the tips, but what to know where the little beauty case is from? Thanks!


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You made my day by visiting! See ya tomorrow :)