
How To: Mermaid Waves, Curls, and Nails

Yes, I'm still in Beach Week mode around here.
I thought I'd include some class summer hairstyles.

fishtail + t-shirt scrunch

M E R M A I D  W A V E S
  • A simple braid won't cut it. You'll need something tighter. I recommend 1-2 french braids or 1-2 fishtail braids. See fishtail tutorial here.
  • For the tutorial, I did one fishtail braid down my back, but it's way easier to do a side fishtail. Braid wet hair and let dry. Spray with your favorite sea salt spray. See my Sea Salt Spray recipe here. OPTION 1
  • HOWEVER, your hair is most fragile when wet, so if you have damaged hair, you might want to avoid that. I braided my hair dry, sprayed with the sea salt spray & let dry. Then I added more spray and scrunched with a t-shirt. It keeps hair from getting frizzy & is my little secret to great waves. OPTION 2
mermaid waves

M E R M A I D  C U R L S
  • For defined, less-messy curls, spray hair with heat protectant and plug in your 1 in styling wand.
  • Wrap 1 in sections around the wand, leaving space between hair--meaning you can see the wand barrel. This avoids tight, ringlet curls. 
  • Curls too tight? Pull the curl while hair is still hot.
  • Let curls cool & set with your favorite spray.
  • Options: Add a little styling paste to define pieces, glossing cream or oil spray for glossy hair (my hair is dry, so this is what I used), or styling cream to smooth frizz if desired.
mermaid curls + optional products

M E R M A I D  N A I L S
  • Ok, this really isn't a tutorial, but I painted my nails these two colors that make me think of the sea, mermaids, and their scales. Is that weird?
  • I painted Distant Memory as a base coat and then I added the gorgeous shade Use Protection on my accent nail. This glittery color is gorgeous but needs a base coat or several coats. Both were $1.50 by Spoiled, purchased in drugstores.
so much prettier in person!

So tell me, are you a Mermaid Waves or Curls kinda girl?


  1. I really need to buy one of those wands... Very useful on days like today!

  2. Curls are gorgeous and slightly more formal, waves are less defined. More laid back, yet still beautiful. I love both! Can't decide. Love this post though! Been looking for some great curling tutorials.

  3. This look is gorgeous!!


  4. OMG i loved every bit of this post :) so summery!

  5. oooo mermaid curls~!! I like the waves too but i just always end up with them when I TRY the curls so I'm kinda tired of them, haha.

    Really pretty- great tips!

  6. i love both hairstyles! i would definitely love to rock these! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Twisted Orchid Giveaway -- Win any bag of your choice! :)

  7. Oh my gosh, these pictures make me long for hair that holds a curl! I *might* have a shot at the mermaid curls, but if I tried the waves, my hair would be stick straight again within an hour ;) So gorgeous though.

  8. Now I really need to master is fish tail braid! Those waves are so pretty :) :)

  9. I love mermaid waves... They are perfect for summers!!!

  10. I think I am a mermaid waves kind of girl although I am still trying to get the hang of the fishtail braid.

  11. If that's a fish tail, where's it's butt?

  12. The mermaid curls look stunning! love the effect

  13. brilliant hair tutorial, i shall be trying this!

  14. love those waves/curls but those nails are my fave!

  15. I could spend some serious time with your braid tutorials. Between that and buns I am lost.

  16. Ooh, so pretty! Love the nails!

  17. that is so awesome! i love the curls, waves and fishtail styles. nice nail color!

  18. i wish my hair was long enough for mermaid curls! absolutely beautiful!!! :-)

  19. Love the mermaid trend. So perfect.


  20. I love how your mermaid curls turned out. I really want to try that sometime, but I need to buy a styling wand first.


  21. Agree with Erin! Those mermaid curls look really good:) And want those Spoiled polishes but don't think we have them here in Canada:(

  22. Oh why oh why is my hair not long enough!?! Maybe next summer!

  23. It's so pretty :) Great tips :)


  24. I love those nails! I tried the fishtail braid over the weekend and still need to practice!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  25. Love your mermaid curls and nails. They turned out really pretty. I tried the fishtail braid when you posted it last time, and had some trouble. I must not be coordinated enough. I can do French braids, though, so I'll get the mermaid look that way.

  26. I've always wanted mermaid hair!!! So pretty!

  27. I love both looks! How do you think this would work with curly hair? Straighten it first and then go for it?


  28. LOVE the mermaid waves! I will have to try that. I'm definitely more of a curls girl though...I wear my hair curled every day!

  29. Hi sweetie, I really love the nail polish, that's so beautiful I think ;)
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    Kisses ♥

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  30. The hairstyles are just amazing <3

  31. Did you dye your hair that blue-green for those mermaid curls or did you use a colored hair spray? If so what kind because I've been looking for a way to turn my hair about that color for 1 day.

  32. That's just the filter on the photo.

  33. My hair is super pin straight, which I HATE because it does hold curls really well. Will scrunching it with a t-shirt be enough? I've tried scrunching it before and it just ended up as a damp stringy mess.


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