

You've seen the Lust List--things that I want. Now, check out what has me Smitten--things that I have and love. This month's Smitten is the Birthday Edition. I am very blessed! Enjoy.
My Missoni Espresso Set--this was the ONE thing I wanted and didn't get from that whole Target hoopla. Luckily, my bestie got me one and managed to keep it a secret until my bday! Look at the little spoons! I've been switching the order of the cups/saucers around and making everyone use them. "Oh, you want some water? HOW ABOUT IN A MISSIONI ESPRESSO CUP?"
I love carafes--I made my own here--and was thrilled to receive this one from Crate and Barrel. All that's missing is a bottle of wine. What gives, guys? Thanks, Leigh & the boys! And the pumpkin cookie jar is from my brother and his family.
This Remington Ceramic Curling Wand was on my Birthday Wishlist, and I LOVE it. Highly recommended and last seen here.
One of you lovely ladies pinned these on Pinterest, and for $14, these Kenneth Lane pearl earrings were mine! And the pumpkins were from my bosses--I collect them (Yes, I'm weird. What's new?)
As I mentioned in my Lust List, I love Russian Nesting Dolls, and this necklace is too cute and teeny. I believe it's from F21. I love mini things!
My Mom wanted me to have a reminder of my childhood to pass onto my own kids, so she tracked down my favorite doll as a kid. My pup Charlie keeps taking her and hiding her! It's Holly Hobbie's sister (I think), Carrie.

What have you been Smitten with lately? 

Know what else I'm smitten with? TWO FREE DESSERTS from Sift Dessert Bakery. Enter my giveaway today.


  1. I am currently smitten with....SNOW!!! Because we got our first snow last night :)

  2. Those pearl earrings are so cute. I'm smitten with chunky sweaters right now...because it's getting cold here.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  3. See my Christmas list at www.fromjasminewithlove.com!

  4. I love the espresso cups! Oh and pumpkins, pshh, that's not weird at all. I collect pigs! haha

    hmm I've been smitten with Marilyn Monroe canvases. The picture needs to be on a canvas or I won't purchase it. Believe it or not, I found 3 great ones at Icing. They are now hanging in my living room.

  5. i so need a great pair of earrings like that!

  6. I love the Missoni Espresso Set, lucky girl!!!

    And I want to try a curling iron like that!!


  7. I wanted that set of missoni espresso mugs! So glad your bff tracked them down for you and your new pearl earrings are beautiful!

  8. Love the stylish espresso set.

    And thanks for the sweet comment about red shoes. Yes, I've always adored Dorothy's and it isn't until now (four decades later) that I finally get some. It's never too late to be happy!

  9. That Russian Nesting Doll necklace is too cute!

  10. That espresso set is darling. What a great friend! xo

  11. I really love this assemblage of awesome things you already have!!! :) I especially love those cups! They are quite adorable!!! I am smitten by everything and anything cute. Uh. Like that's news.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    enter my Too Faced and Hello Kitty Giveaway!

  12. How fun to offer water in the espresso cups! They are super cute and the perfect counter accessory!

  13. Though I barely drink espresso, I want Missoni's Espresso set! lovely!! xoxo


  14. That Missoni set is so fun - lucky girl!!

  15. I guess I'm smitten with painting.. I guess I'm making my own xmas ornaments

  16. I love this word "smitten" though I actually don't know what it means.. I think it's when you really like something / someone.. I could make a smitten list too :) (Can I have the Espresso Set :D?)

  17. How awesome that you got the Missoni set! And I want/need that ceramic curling wand myself. You have a great collection of goodies here :) xoxo

  18. Those look lovely! I love the Crate and Barrel carafe. :)

  19. What a sweet friend to get you that espresso set!! That was one of the things I was really hoping to buy (along with everyone else in the U.S. :)

  20. What an awesome friend! I definitely wanted those myself!! That Target Missoni launch was pure madness.

  21. The Missoni mugs are so cute! What a nice gift!

  22. Gah! The Russian nesting doll and Carrie are so darn precious. I too have a little wee toy dog that I used to carry around everywhere...in fact she still resides ontop of my bed to this day! haha.

    Eeli x

  23. Love those cups!
    I'm currently smitten with pumpkins...I have eight (real ones) in my apartment!

  24. such great presents! i've been wanting a curling wand. i think i'll put it on my list for santa :)

  25. Wow, you made your own carafe? Bad. Ass.

  26. I'm now officially smitten with your Missoni cups, so envious!x

  27. russian nesting dolls are my favorite too, adore!
    xo TJ

  28. Love the Missoni for Target expresso set! What a great buy! Enjoy using it. xo style, she wrote

  29. That Espresso set is just darling!!

  30. Love those pearl earrings! They're lovely!

  31. you have such a great friend - those missoni mugs are fabulous!

    Chic on the Cheap

  32. I'm smitten with everything I can't afford! Why do I want so much?

    How sweet of your Mom. I had a lovey just like that!

  33. well now i'm smitten with your list! I want, want, want it all... that decanter is really elegant and pretty.

  34. I don't know where to start with all these beautiful things! How lucky you are :) I've been smitten with...Fossil jewelry! Going to get me a new piece tomorrow!

  35. I love caraffes and pearls too! Definitely a pearl girl! :D


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